Age /sex
of cat
Dosage & length of treatment w/ MA
Side effects
1 cat
12 year old Intact female Siamese
Birth control
Dosage not given – given intermittently over 10 years
Benign growths in uterus
Number of cats not given
Not given
Not given
Dosage not given
Survey of insured pet owners.
Diabetes occurred in 1 of 230 cats in survey – noted that male cats treated with MA had “significantly higher risk ” for diabetes.
1 cat
year old male
Chin sores
See ‘Side Effects” column.
MA info. in blue
Other meds in black
Symptoms in green
Symptoms after MA treatment in bold green
Time line in yellow
Prescribed topical cleansing; oral orbifloxacin 2.2 mg/kg bodyweight daily for 14 days and
oral prednisone (generic), 1 mg/kg BW daily for 4 days.
Day 30 - Same sore – two more
methylprednisolone acetate 4 mg/kg BW, sub q administered. A hypoallergenic food trial was commenced.
Day 38 still had sores – returned to vet
Prescribed megestrol acetate 1 mg/kg BW daily for 5 days, and then 0.5 mg/kg BW twice weekly for 21 days.
prescription was refilled 33 days later, so that the cat received 1 mg/kg BW for 2 days followed by 0.5 mg/kg BW, for 16 days
Day 96 –(58 days after MA prescribed) returned
All 6 breasts swollen
Mastectomy of right mammary gland and biopsy of right groin lymph node. Right gland showed benign fibrous tumor
and neutrophils (white blood cells indicating infection) suggesting breast infection. The right groin lymph node had no microscopic organ or tissue damage.
Rechecked 10 d (day 106) and 15 d (day 111) after surgery, that is, 68 d and 73 d after initiation of MA treatment.
Rest of mammary glands had regressed slightly, but the left groin mammary gland had enlarged slightly.
Came in 7 d later (day 118)for inappetence (80 d after initiation of megestrol acetate treatment).
Temperature slightly above normal and 5% dehydrated. Another chin sore. Left groin mammary gland was ulcerated, swollen, warm, painful to touch, and asymmetrically enlarged to 4 cm in diameter. A CBC count showed a mild leukocytosis (increased white blood cells) and mild neutrophilia (increased white blood cells.) A presumptive diagnosis of superficial mastitis (breast infection) was made. The cat received trimethoprim-sulfadiazine, 35 mg/kg BW, Sub q 1X daily for 3 days, and sub q meloxicam , 0.02 mg/kg BW, and lactated Ringer's solution, 60 to 120 mL, 1X daily for the next 3 days. Temperature returned to normal. When the cat's skin lesions returned the owner did not wish to pursue further diagnostic tests and elected to euthanize the cat. A necropsy was not performed.
8 cats
Not given
Eye infection
Dosage not
None Reported – successfully treated infection
17 pre-pubescent spayed/neutered kittens
in study
5 --------->
5 ----------->
neutered kittens
neutered kittens
5 mg 2X a week for 12 or 13 weeks then 2.5 mg 1X week for 12 weeks then no ma for 12 weeks
15 mg 2X a week for 12 or 13 weeks then 2.5 mg 1X week for 12 weeks then no ma for 12 weeks
Uterine horns increased in length
and diameter. Endometrium became deeply folded. Enlargement of glandular epithelium and production of glycogen by the glandular cells. One cat developed pyometra. During 12 weeks without ma proliferate
d endometrium regressed considerably
1 case pyometra
5 ----------->
2 ----------->
No treatment – served as controls
2.5 mg weekly for 6 weeks
“Sufficient to induce similar changes” - - not clear if author was referring to changes during 24 weeks with ma or 12 weeks without.
17 cats treated with MA were compared to 97 cats not treated with MA
Sex and age not given
Not given
2.5 – 5 mg daily - treatment length varied
Tissue analysis
14 benign growths
3 cancerous growths
Scientific discussion beyond my grasp
Number of cats not given
Sex and age not given
“high doses” for 12 months
“The results of this study demonstrate that administration of megestrol acetate to cats can produce a state of moderate to severe glucose intolerance, which is usually reversible after cessation of treatment.
14 cats total
7 received MA
7 received prednisone
3 received nothing
Sex and age not given
Study of “adrenal cortisol response to exogenous adrenocortic-otrophic hormone”
at doses equal to those used for skin conditions
7 received 5 mg MA daily for 16 days
7 received prednisolone 2mg/kg daily for 16 days
3 cats received no medications and served as controls
Suppression cortisol levels day 8 both ma and prednisolone treated cats
Day 15 more marked change in MA recipients vs. prednisolone recipients
Day 30
Recovery of adrenal reserve present in 6 of 7 cats given prednisolone, but in only 3 of 7 receiving MA. Decrease in Eosinophils (white blood cells), excess sugar in urine and liver cell swelling from glycogen deposition were occasionally recorded in treated cats of both groups.
6 cats
Sex and age not given
5 mg daily for 8 days
On separate occasion
given prednisolone @2 mg/kg of body weight/day for 8 days – time
The drugs induced similar increases in fasting blood glucose concentrations and decreases in glucose excretion rates in the cats. Usually, each cat developed reduced tolerance of an IV glucose load; concomitant fasting hyperglycemia occurred in 3 cats after prednisolone therapy, and in 1 of these 3 cats after megestrol acetate
13 cats
Sex and age not given
Insulin therapy in cats with diabetes
Dosage and length of treatment not given
3 developed diabetes after MA therapy. 2 got insulin and the diabetes reversed, one received no drug treatment and the diabetes reversed.
21 cats
Sex and age not given
Skin problems
5 mg per cat per day for 7 days then 5 mg every 3 days for 21 days
Side effects encountered were increased appetite, personality changes and depression.
In all cats, a good improvement of the lesions was noted as soon as treatment was started. In 25% of the patients, one treatment schedule was sufficient to control the skin disease for at least 18 months. In the remaining 75%, two treatment schedules and/or a maintenance dosage had to be established
20 cats total
16 received MA
4 received no medication and served as controls
Sex and age not given
Study of adrenocortical suppression in cats given MA
8 cats at a dose of 2.5 mg every other day for 2 weeks
8 cats at 5.0 mg every day for 2 weeks
4 cats rec’d no No treatment for 2 weeks and served as controls
Cats were restrained with acepromazine maleate and ketamine hydrochloride during blood sample collection and large-dose glucose infusion
Each week 1 control cat and 2 cats from each group was euthanized and analyzed.
1 cat
1 cat
1 cat
18 year old neutered male
10 year old neutered male
3 year old
neutered male
Skin problems
Skin problems
Skin problems
5 mg every other day for 2 weeks
Initially treated with 30 mg methlylprednisolone acetate4 intramuscularly. Two months later he was treated with 5 mg megestrol acetate on alternate days - period of time not given
See “Side Effects” column
MA in blue
Other med’s in black
Symptoms in green
Symptoms post MA
in bold green
Previous history of diabetes that had reversed one year prior –previous corticosteroid treatment. After MA developed high blood sugar –was treated but died
Excessive thirst, excessive dilute urine, excessive appetite and weight loss appeared within ten days. The cat was stabilized on insulin and megestrol acetate therapy was continued. Within a month, signs of high blood sugar appeared and therapy was stopped. The cat has remained normal since.
Intralesional injection of 20 mg methlylprednisolone acetate. When the lesion didn’t heal, surgical excision was performed. When the granuloma recurred, the cat received 2.5 mg prednisone5 daily and 100 mg chloramphenicol ' daily. One week later, surgical
excision was again attempted and when this failed, the cat was treated with 5 mg MA on alternate days. The lesion was also injected with 0.4 cc triamcinolone. The treatment was repeated two weeks later and the MA continued. The cat was admitted again after two weeks for excessive urination, excessive thirst and an elevated temperature of 40.30C. The cat was stabilized with insulin and megestrol acetate therapy was discontinued. The insulin dose was gradually reduced over ten days and the cat is doing well.
244 cats
Sex and age not given
Birth control
2.5 mg weekly for 30 weeks
No pregnancies – 21 showed heat signs –
Side effects were increased appetite, weight increase and changes of temperament were the most pronounced. One cat developed pyometra after three years of treatment with the preparation.Oslo 1974
Pyometra 1 in 244 = .4%
9 cats
3 intact 6-8 month pregnant females
1 intact “aged” pregnant female
2 neutered males age not given
3 spayed females age not given
Birth control?
Birth Control?
Skin problems
Skin problems
Dosage and treatment length not given
Dosage and treatment length not given
Dosage not given – treatment for 14 months to 5 years
Dosage not given – treatment for 14 months to 5 years
Enlarged mammary glands – cat was spayed – returned to normal
Enlarged mammary glands – cat was spayed – returned to normal
Enlarged mammary glands – lesions excised – no recurrence during follow up period
Enlarged mammary glands – lesions excised – no recurrence during follow up period
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