321 - 332 of 332 Comments Last updated Thursday
May 28
of 17
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Sorry to address you as Dean,
James. Regards~Louise
Just placed an order a few days
ago for the hoping to get it soon. Have one mama cat I have
been unable to trap for a year! She's wily. Can anyone who has recently tried
it give me some feedback? Just curious to see how it's going for you. I only
have 2-4 cats (that I know of) that I am feeding, and almost all are fixed at
this point, except for the wily mama, and one of her kittens, and the odd
stray that comes by here and there.
Barbara in Orlando
Just a note to say that as of
Friday 6/24/2014, I will be allowing site
to expire. I am in the process of moving all the information to .
Also wanted to say that I had a problem with Nonovulin getting moldy after a week when I mixed it with water, so I emailed the seller who recommended that it not be mixed with water - I began using a pill crusher and mixing the particles in with the wet food, just crushing enough each week for that week's dose. |
Barbara in Orlando wrote:
Just a note to say
that as of Friday 6/24/2014, I will be allowing the floridcatnews.comsite to expire. I am in the process of moving all the
information .
Also wanted to say that I had a problem with Nonovulin getting moldy after a week when I mixed it with water, so I emailed the seller who recommended that it not be mixed with water - I began using a pill crusher and mixing the particles in with the wet food, just crushing enough each week for that week's dose.
I saw a note about that somewhere,
so I am using a pill cutter and crushing to mix with wet food. Just got the
Nonovulin yesterday; administered the first dose in last night's feeding. The
instructions from the seller advise administering three times a week, but
I've read elsewhere once a week?
Barbara in Orlando
Trish wrote:
<quoted text>
I saw a note about that somewhere, so I am using a pill cutter and crushing to mix with wet food. Just got the Nonovulin yesterday; administered the first dose in last night's feeding. The instructions from the seller advise administering three times a week, but I've read elsewhere once a week?
I'd definitely use Fairchild's
dosing chart, which only recommends twice weekly feedings for very large
groups of cats. I've tried without success to copy and paste the chart here
but if you go to , I've got a post titled "Nonovulin dosing
chart with MG column added" which will give you MG dosing per COLONY.
The original chart just had ML dosing since they use liquid Megace - I added
the MG dosing conversion..
Rotherham, UK
Thank goodness for a sensible advocate of cat contraception!!!! Just one my vet and other's in the area will not prescribe or say 'there's no such thing'.... as one with a Sphynx queen whom I hope will have a litter or three one day but at 8 mths has had 3 consequetive, upsetting seasons in two mths, do you have cause to think the contraception may not be advisable for such a specialised pedigree?? Helen xx |
Hi my name is brenda , I live in
johnstown pa n looking for HElP, to spay n neturd cats
i have contacted so many people but noone is responding back to me there are baby kittens and cats that need homes n i wanted to buy the birth control for cats but no vet here will sell me the producd i wnt to stop the cats from have kittens they are in jeberly of beinr killed or hurt. please any help will be apprisheated. |
leslie leavitt wrote:
I have used
FeralStat on a feral colony for about 2 and a half years. Have not had one
kitten born in that time. The cats appear to be healthy. I will continue to
use it despite negative comments. The life of a feral is hard at best. They
are already subject to all kinds of illnesses and diseases and while the
thought of adding to their troubles with FeralStat is not my intention I will
continue to use it. Preventing feral kittens from being born is my goal at
this time. I have tried many times to trap these cats but they are very trap
Leslie, my feral cat colony
currently has about 7-8 cats. Is there any way you can write out some simple
instructions on how to mid the capsules with the distilled water and then use
a syringe to distribute the liquid dosage? It is hard for me to understand
unless there are numbered step-by-step instructions. Thank you.
I can't read the story b/c I don't
have an invitation from the blogger to read it....according to Google
Blogger!! Soooo frustrating how everything is tied to Google & Facebook
these days!! I just want information and not EVERYONE in my life to know what
Im doing/reading/etc. Grrrr!!!! I have a colony of 93 and I TNR religiously.
I have a ton of people asking for help and I just found out about feralstat
and now I can't even read about it!! Frustrated doesn't even cover it.
United States
kymberleigh007 wrote:
I can't read the
story b/c I don't have an invitation from the blogger to read it....according
to Google Blogger!! Soooo frustrating how everything is tied to Google &
Facebook these days!! I just want information and not EVERYONE in my life to
know what Im doing/reading/etc. Grrrr!!!! I have a colony of 93 and I TNR
religiously. I have a ton of people asking for help and I just found out
about feralstat and now I can't even read about it!! Frustrated doesn't even
cover it.
I just tried to re-read the story. I was able to read it a month or two ago, but I just got the same thing as you.(Need an invitation) It's my understanding they aren't making Feralstat at this time. However, there are alternatives to it. |
New delivery method for feratstat.
One girl can only feed dry food. She grinds the tablets of a fine powder and
dusts the dry food. Not a litter in 3 seasons.
Have been using Nonovulin for 6
months now. What would have been 15 litters is now 5, and only because 3
queens will only eat dry food, 1 got pregnant before I started and 1 came as
a stray. Have tried to tell my vet and local rescues about it, but get
brushed off as essentially a kook. Disheartening, so please keep the info out
It does work, and at these low doses--I use 2 pills per 20 cats once a week--I have had no side effects. I simply crush the pills in a morter and pestle, and mix with a can of really tasty wet cat food. I try to give about a half a teaspoon to each cat, so they get only a tiny, tiny dose. One thing I have noticed and Nonovulin warns about is it WILL interrupt lactation. If one becomes pregnant (the dry food only eaters), I do try to pull the Nonovulin away at least 3 weeks prior to birth. The one queen that was pregnant "before dosing began" had her litter just fine, but she had no milk. I saved 2 of the kittens by bottlefeeding for a week. She soon came into milk and all are fine. There must be an awful lot of politics around this issue. I had written off any contraceptive after finding the old bad-news stuff out there. But then I had a different vet working on a horse here one day, who said to "look into it through Google." However, when I went to get a prescription through said vet, it was like the line went dead. So thank heavens for Ebay. For the first time ever, I finally have a real chance at getting a handle on my cat population. I wish this would go mainstream. It would avoid many needless deaths of cats. |
Megestrol acetate is
available on E-bay WITHOUT a prescription. See website for information on this.
I have ordered the
cat birth control from International Drug as directed on the website at the bottom of this post. I
note that the website now informs that the drug is available on eBay. I
haven't received or tried yet, but I do know that I have found it impossible
to keep ahead of the kittens with TNR. I found it very encouraging when
researching the drug, that it is used in humans for various treatments.
I may have taken it when myself when I was being treated
for estrogen based breast cancer and I am a survivor for
12 years now. I am really not worried about all the doom and gloom side
effects hinted at by various internet sources. Not one source gives
specific information. Wish me and the cats good luck and I will return next
spring to let you all know how it goes!
I forgot
the website link but note that Dean posted it a earlier:
leslie leavitt
Don't know if
everyone knows or even cares after this exceptional site, but FeralStat is
available again. You can get it from Westlab Pharmacy. Your vet has to call
in the prescription, then they get in touch with you.
I have the info on
my website about WestLab selling their version of
Feralstat clone. They sell about 300 scoop jars but you must have a RX for
For those unable to convince a vet to RX you MA, your best option is the Bulgarian MA on Ebay or offshore pharmacies---no prescription needed. See my website for latest info on anything about MA for feral cats. I have bought MA from WestLab with a RX as well as purchased it without a RX from Ebay and offshore pharmacies such as Int'l Drug Mart. My website is meant as an informative site only. I have received hate mail for putting the site up, something I knew would happen, but I simply ignore the trolls and idiots that do so. If you find the site informative and helpful, please make a donation to your local animal shelter or rescue group. I do NOT accept or want donations--the site is strictly a labor of love for me. I hope the site has helped some of you out. I'll keep you posted as time permits. Please keep me posted of your experiences with MA. Dean Jones |
Since: Oct 12
![]() |
I have several
feeders now using this hormone. One group with about 125-150 cats among them
have not had a single litter of kittens this year. Other feeders that I can
keep track of that have maybe 100-125 total have reported 1 litter. Just read
the posts here and get the info to be successful. It is a life saver. 5574
Thanks for the
update catcandoo. That's good news to know.
Just curious if they are using the same dosages as outlined here & on my website? Also, are they using RX MA such as Westlab's or are they mixing with water as outlined here and on website? Dean Jones |
United States
hi my name is brenda
and i live in johnstown pa.
where i live there are a lot of stray cats and having kittens, my slef and a few other people i know take care of cats and kittens .iwas catching some of them and having them fixed and shots, and finding homes but not every one is interested in giving cts and kittens homes. so what i would like very much is to find out how to order this contraceptive. that would be most helpful to me and many others here in johnstown email address is any one with any helpfull infromation please contact me.I HAVE HAD A PERSON ALREADY SHOT AND KILL 2 CATS WITH BOW AND ARROWS 1 WAS A MOTHER CAT W 3 UNBORN KITTENS WHICH DIED INSIDE HER DUE TO HER WOUNDS, AND SHE DIED 2 DAYS LATER.I DID HAVE HIM CHARGED WITH CURELTY BUT HE DID"T GET BUT A FINE AND PAY ME BACK FOR THE VET BILL FOR WE NEED TO ALSO GET TOUGHER CURLTY LAWS. THANK YOU ALL THANK YOU ALL AND HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. |
leslie leavitt
Dean: Thanks so much
for your labor of love. Without you a lot of us would be stuck, not knowing
what to do. Good karma to you You've earned it. Glad you are ignoring the
hate mail. Some people just don't have enough to do.
Barbara in Orlando
I've ordered and
received Nonovulin from the Bulgarian seller on EBay. As soon as I've used up
the last of my Feralstat I'll be giving it to three newcomers to my condo
complex (cats that is !). Thank you Dean for that source.
I'm finding researching the pharmacy that makes Nonovulin difficult, but did find that they do business with the FDA. |
I want to mention
that if you are going to use this birth control on feral cats, you must be
able to make sure that you can give the proper dose to each cat once a week.
You must be able to manage that the cats do not jump from bowl to bowl which
is not easy with just one person or with feral cats. I now realize why this
form of BC has not been embraced by mainstream. I simply does not work for
most people who are doing their best to manage feral colonies. I'm back to
TNR on a regular basis and pray I can get most of them before the spring
kitten season.
JKPC--Everyone one I
know who is using this BC (a total of roughly 300 cats) are thrilled with it.
Litters reduced to zero or one in the colonies. A local vet who is a big
supporter said that the health & death risks to the feral/stray cats of
bearing litter after litter, of the risk of pregnancy & delivery, of fighting
(10% problem pregnancies/delivery in tames), of having to stretch food
as the colony grows, is far worse than the administration of Feralstat. Keep
in mind you don't know how many cats you are feeding since very skittish ones
stay out of sight until you are gone. There are also areas where you can
never trap, but can feed. Imagine the lives of these cats without BC. We have
all prayed that we could beat the breeding drive and the illusive little
moms, and we were driven to use Feralstat for the sake of the cats.
JKPC--you are wrong
in stating "I (sic) simply does not work for most people who are doing
their best to manage feral colonies."
MA does indeed work for me (no new births) and for hundreds of other feral cat colony caretakers from all over the world. I wish you could see the many emails I get on my website from happy and satisfied users of MA that MA has allowed them the chance to get control of their growing colonies until proper TNR could be implemented. Keep in mind that MA is NOT an alternative to proper spay/neuter and TNR. One should never stop TNR on a colony just because MA is working to keep the population of the colony under control. Uncontrolled oral contraceptives & vaccines for various species have been in use by game and wildlife officials for years in the wild in uncontrolled environments with excellent results. In such instances, just like MA for us, there is no way that game officials can control who "who gets what" in a dose of oral contraceptives dropped from an airplane in the wild to control certain species. The use of MA in a feral cat colony along with TNR is MUCH MUCH better than NOT using it. Keep in mind that we are using very low dosages as well...much less than dosages administered in all published studies done on the side effects of MA. I still stand behind my conclusion that the reason MA has not been endorsed by the "mainstream" is because of greed and money. There is no money in MA for "Big Pharma" and others who wish to line their pockets with mega-buck$ from contraceptives for dogs and cats. I will bet dollars to donuts that if the "mainstream" does come out with an alternative to MA that (1) it will be expensive & under patent for years & controlled by a major pharmaceutical company (2) it will have to be administered in a vet office by a vet or medical personnel (thus leaving us feral colony caretakers "in the cold again"). I now am aware that there are efforts to try to bring to market (once again) a dog food laced with oral contraceptives. However, we are YEARS & YEARS away from seeing this in the USA and it will be administered first in other countries. This effort was tried back in the 70's & 80's by The Carnation Company but it was squelched. I go into detail about "why" it was shelved on site. The bottom line is MA does indeed work in low is inexpensive (sometimes less than .11 cents per pill) and is now easily obtainable without a RX thanks to all the hard work and investigative efforts put forth by the dozens of people on this thread. I hope all of you that are using MA in controlled low dosages continue to do so. MA has prevented millions of unwanted kittens in the past few years does work. Dean
In re-reading my
previous post, some may get the wrong idea by my statement that MA "is
now easily obtainable without a RX thanks to all the hard work and
investigative efforts put forth by the dozens of people on this thread."
MA is still available only by RX in the USA. However, it can easily be obtained from Ebay or off-shore online pharmaceutical companies. And again, for those that email me, I do NOT sell or distribute MA. All of the questions you have concerning how to obtain MA without a RX are answered by going back and reading a few previous posts in this now 4 yr old thread, or you can visit my website. Dean |
DEAN, sorry I missed
your question earlier about dosing in post #338. No, we don't use the dosing
in your website. There were already 2 dosing protocols being used in the area
and those are what are being used. Another girl powders it and sprinkles on
kibble because that's the only way she can do it. Works great for her.
BARBARA, I tried to
email you at the addy in your post #308 to get your word doc that gives a
digest of dosing schedules found in the forum, but it came back
undeliverable. Would still like to have it.
I thought this
thread had vanished and was deleted by Topix as Topix moved their forums
around a few weeks ago...glad we still have it going here as I just happened
to "re-discover" it by using Google.
With spring approaching, I'm curious to hear from colony caretakers out there if they have any new litters or signs of pregnancy after using MA. I have changed the links to this thread on my website so if former readers of this thread are lost, they can easily find it by going to my site. I will soon update my site for you to download a translated French document of a French study done on the minimal side effects of MA. Barbara and I worked hard on the translating the French document to English and we now have a translated PDF document for those of you that may wish to show your vet to help squelch the misconceptions and myths of adverse side effects of MA. Dean |
Dean, thanks. All
the studies that help us will help kitties. So far, the people in my network
are thrilled to use MA. In the whole 300 or so cats, only 2 litters have been
reported. Could be the mom was dumped recently, or just didn't get enough MA.
The feeders said the 2 moms were not familiar to them, but that can happen
with shy kitties anyway.
I just got mine on
eBay...Thank God.....My best friend is overwhelmed by cats,we can't
catch...Silly how easy it is.....How wonderful that we have such a place to
go for help....We and our cat friends are soooooo thankful to you:-) :-) :-)
:-) :-)
Stacie C
Time is all I need! MA
on its way! Thanks stumbled Great information. I live in Stockton
Ca. talked with a few other caretakers from northern California area .not one
had heard about MA. WOW .
Tell me when this
thread is updated:
of 17
281 - 300 of 332 Comments Last updated Thursday
May 28
of 17
JKPC, I and others here are
currently working on a website that will thoroughly explain the
uses of megestrol acetate in very small doses to prevent estrus in feral
cat colonies.
Barbara here on this thread has also put together a very nice concise and abridged/condensed version of the main topics/guidelines of this entire thread, which now has been ongoing for about 2 years. Barbara also did a nice research paper on her own compiling cases of side effects of using MA in cats for estrus prevention. As for side effects, as we all know here that have stuck diligently with this thread, the conclusion of side effects of MA is practically ZERO side effects if used in proper/low doses as we have all discussed here. JKPC, until the website is up and running, which may be after Christmas, I suggest that you go back and read this thread in its entirety, paying extra attention to the last 200 or so posts...all the information you need for a presentation to others is here in this is just "spread out" a bit & will require some reading on your part. Until the website gets up and live, take some time and peruse this thread...many, many people here have put a LOT of valuable time and effort into this for all others to learn from. The entire purpose of the upcoming website will strictly be to educate rescue groups, veterinarians, feral cat owners, etc. that MA can be used until we can get ahead on TNR. Just keep in mind that MA is NOT a substitute for spay-neuter but is meant to complement it until proper TNR can be performed on a colony. And while I'm on the subject of the future website, I have seen preliminary main pages of it in design keeping with the Christmas tradition, I have to say that the first page looks really cool and appropriate... Spoiler hint: Webpage starts out with "Yes, Virginia, there REALLY is affordable birth for feral cats!..." (With apologies to Ms. Virginia O'Hanlon, the little girl that originally wrote the famous letter to the newspaper in 1897 asking if there was a Santa Claus and apologies also to Francis Pharcellus Church the editor who was given the task to reply to the little girl's question with his now famous editorial..) It will be great and informative website for all to see and help prevent the births of millions of unwanted litters. James |
Barbara in Orlando
JKPC- I've put together a summary
of my experience with Feralstat/MA along with the studies I found related to
MA on my website .
If you want to email me, I can send you the Word document where I copied most of the postings about dosing from this discussion. My email address I think one of the best contacts to share is Dr. Jennifer Fry at Fairchild Foundation in Berks County Pa. Her email address and their site address is . She has used MA for over 10 years. Barbara
JKPC wrote:
Thanks for your responses to my inquiry!
I have a the head of feral rescue group (affiliated with a local shelter which the group influenced to become a no-kill) coming tomorrow to do a mass trapping for TNR. I met with her today when she delivered a new large group trap & asked why they weren't using "the pill for cats". She was unaware of MA/Feralstat and asked why it wasn't mainstream. I said I imagined it had to do with FDA. She also expressed concerns about side affects. I said if we woman can use a pill why can't cats? How bad would it be for a male to get a low dose?(We LOL about that & agreed the world might be a more peaceful place - no offense to you guys intended, really). After cries for help to many rescue groups over several years, I was directed to thislocal group as they are affiliated in their TNR program with Best Friends in Kanab, UT. Being new to this thread, there is lots of reading to get to the important facts. Would one of you who has participated in this thread over the years please post the important facts in summary form so I can print and give to this woman? She is a successful, high profile business woman here in SoCA & is committed to improving the quality of life for "community"/feral cats and she has contacts with Best Friends. She possibly could be a tremendous help to the kitty birth control movement. THANK YOU! |
For everyone that has followed
this thread for almost two years, we now have a website up that
thoroughly explains mixing, dosing, etc. of megestrol acetate. It is
basically a condensed version of this 2 year old discussion thread, all in
one easy-to-read website.
The website is: A thank you to my friend Dean for designing the site. A big thank you to all of you that have followed and contributed to this discussion over the years. A website was long overdue for feral caretakers concerning birth control. What a nice way to start out 2013. I hate to see this Topix thread come to an end--maybe it will still receive posts from time to time. To all my friends here, Happy New's time to move on. James
kcook924 wrote:
Did the FeralStat
work? I am faced with the same problem as many out there are.
Yes, FeralStat worked for me and
other caretakers in my area. The cats have since been neutered and had no
issues because of the FeralStat they were given for 9 months prior to their
TNR. In fact, they looked great. I now have 5Colonies with new cats
showing up all the time. I'm extremely upset that FeralStat was taken off the
market. There's no way to TNR all these cats, some of whom won't go near
traps of any kind. If anyone knows where I can purchase FeralStat, please let
me know. Of course, I intend to have as many cats as possible neutered, but
in the meantime, FeralStat is the only other option I have. Thank you. Ellen.
Since: Dec 12
Thank you James! Thank you
Barbara! A BIG thanks from me personally and all the community cats that I
feed, love and do my best to care for. Over the last month I have been able
to TNR five cats but currently I don't think my efforts will stay head of the
birth curve. I am so grateful for all the information shared on FeralStat!!
Happy New Year Lucky #13 starting off with your new web site!!
Janis Palm Desert, CA |
Ellen wrote:
<quoted text>
Yes, FeralStat worked for me and other caretakers in my area. The cats have since been neutered and had no issues because of the FeralStat they were given for 9 months prior to their TNR. In fact, they looked great. I now have 5 Colonies with new cats showing up all the time. I'm extremely upset that FeralStat was taken off the market. There's no way to TNR all these cats, some of whom won't go near traps of any kind. If anyone knows where I can purchase FeralStat, please let me know. Of course, I intend to have as many cats as possible neutered, but in the meantime, FeralStat is the only other option I have. Thank you. Ellen.
Ellen, I sent you an email.
Thank you for the compliment
Janis. All thanks go to my friend Dean for doing the site by condensing all
the info into detailed, but easy to follow guidelines for all to read and
Also, there has been some question about the "Pet Vet Tips" page having a login box asking for a username. Dean tells me that is just experimental page for now & no information is actually on that site, he just plans to put up future tips for money saving on vet bills and he was just experimenting with a lockedlogin page. I think he likes to play with source code.:) Also, I answered your guestbook post about a Facebook link on the guestbook itself. As I said, I'm ignorant on Facebook. I've never used it. Any help you can give me on getting a Facebook link setup is appreciated. I'm glad to see this thread is still active. James |
Ellen, I know BusyBee sent you an
email. Thank you BusyBee. I also sent you one too Ellen.
James |
janeyjan wrote:
<quoted text>
Hi Mommameow, If you would contact the CatsafratRX online, and ask for a supply of ovaban, they would be able to help you..or.. If you would email me, perhaps I could offer my help, My heart goes out to you, as I know how frustrating unwanted kittens can be. Janey
We had a feral cat colony here two years ago and had been using Feralstat. The colony dwindled from 35 cats down to three! When we called Dr, John to get more, we were informed that he had passed away and that Feralstat was wrapped up in probate. We are now contending with two pregnant females and the beginning of something that we thought we had well under control. We are in dire need of a solution as we now have a neighbor who is trapping and turning these cats into a shelter. We need help! I'd appreciate any information that you can offer. Laurie |
Call CatsafratRX and talk to them... Very very helpful people with a heart for what we do! Google the name and get their contact info - one of the best phone calls I have ever made! |
Mommameow wrote:
Call CatsafratRX and talk to them... Very very helpful people with a heart for what we do! Google the name and get their contact info - one of the best phone calls I have ever made!
Thank you so much!!!! It's nice to
know we aren't alone in all of this. I appreciate the help :-)
i just ordered today from
CatsafratRX!!! i have to try it .... my last colony cost me over $600 to
finally fix it....and of course, we have new cats all the time. i am willing
to take a chance with any health concerns because i simply cannot afford to
maintain these colonies forever. i dont want them to outlive me!!!!! this is
a wonderful site.....nice to know i am not the only one out there helping
these ferals.....i love reading the letters.
Francie..I just ordered my batch
today as well. It's time to get a handle on this colony before we too, get
overwhelmed again. We used Feralstat for years with much success and it's
GREAT to know that we can get some kind of control over this! Thank you soooo
much CatsafratRX!!!!
leslie leavitt
francie5 wrote:
i just ordered today
from CatsafratRX!!! i have to try it .... my last colony cost me over $600 to
finally fix it....and of course, we have new cats all the time. i am willing
to take a chance with any health concerns because i simply cannot afford to
maintain these colonies forever. i dont want them to outlive me!!!!! this is
a wonderful site.....nice to know i am not the only one out there helping
these ferals.....i love reading the letters.
Is this stuff a prescription item
or what. I notice that their site says that all prescription items they will
call your vet.
Since: Oct 12
![]() |
Where on can
I find Dr. Fry's information on using MA? I can't find it but do want to read
it. Thanks.
Barbara in Orlando wrote:
JKPC- I've put together a summary of my experience with
Feralstat/MA along with the studies I found related to MA on my website .
If you want to email me, I can send you the Word document where I copied most of the postings about dosing from this discussion. My email address is I think one of the best contacts to share is Dr. Jennifer Fry at Fairchild Foundation in Berks County Pa. Her email address is and their site address is . She has used MA for over 10 years. Barbara <quoted text> |
Catcondo, you can read Fairchild
Cat's info on use of MA here: Scroll down to bottom of page. For those that seem to have problems finding MA/Feralstat, the website we set up, pretty much explains everything in a concise and easy to understand manner. As for actually buying it here in USA, unless you have a Dr. RX, you will have to resort to offshore pharmacies. However, many here have had success with CatsafratRX. Read back over the thread here for all the info on CatsfratRx...the info is here on this thread, just read back over old posts. The site will soon be updated as Dean did successfully purchase and receive Megace tablets in 40 mg form from an offshore pharmacy without an RX--check the site soon for updates for those of you having trouble obtaining MA tablets. James |
I want to thank everyone here from
the bottom of my heart for giving me hope to dry the tears I've been shedding
so many of lately. I used to have five indoor cats.... all spayed/neutered.
At some point a few years ago strays started to show up... a couple here and
there and every so often I'd see a new face creeping up out of the woods and
then the kittens started showing up. Well, I know I don't have to repeat the
story to those of you who know it so well. I've trapped and spayed a female
here and there as I can afford to but the situation is so out of control that
I spend nights crying, frightened of where it's all headed. The vet here
offers a feral discount at over $100 a cat. That just doesn't work out very
well for a couple old folks with a part time and SSD income, but we do try.
I'm feeding a colony of 30 or so, it's hard to keep count for sure since most
are tabby or all black. I have no idea where or how I'm going to find this
medicine but you've given me a place to start and *HOPE*... Bless you...
Call these great people and start your search there ....
RaeN wrote:
I want to thank everyone here from the bottom of my heart for
giving me hope to dry the tears I've been shedding so many of lately. I used
to have five indoor cats.... all spayed/neutered. At some point a few years
ago strays started to show up... a couple here and there and every so often
I'd see a new face creeping up out of the woods and then the kittens started
showing up. Well, I know I don't have to repeat the story to those of you who
know it so well. I've trapped and spayed a female here and there as I can
afford to but the situation is so out of control that I spend nights crying,
frightened of where it's all headed. The vet here offers a feral discount at
over $100 a cat. That just doesn't work out very well for a couple old folks
with a part time and SSD income, but we do try. I'm feeding a colony of 30 or
so, it's hard to keep count for sure since most are tabby or all black. I
have no idea where or how I'm going to find this medicine but you've given me
a place to start and *HOPE*... Bless you...
There is a woman who does not live
in our neighborhood who is putting dowm about 5 pounds of cheap cat food in
our alley between 1 and 2 am every morning. The police say someone has to
call it in and they need to catch her in the act before they can write her a
ticket for littering. We're overwhelmed with cats. It's over $90 to turn them
and a smaller 'donation' fo TNR if you trap yourself. I'm tired of seeing
starving and dead kittens my backyard. Very sad situation. I hope I can get
something done with this megastrol acetate.
leslie leavitt
I don't know if everyone knows
this or not but you can get Feralstat from Westlabs, the original pharmacy.
You need a vet prescription or your vet can call in an order, then you call
me when this thread is updated:
of 17
Add your comments below
James wrote:
I think the reason
that so much of this info we've all uncovered on feline contraception is so
sketchy and "hidden" is that the veterinary association does NOT
want feline/canine contraception. This is only my conclusion. I just think
there's too much money to be lost by vets if there was declining birth rates
in cats & dogs.
As for feral colonies being "flea-free" after dosed with MA..the more I think about it, colonies dosed with MA and being fed properly on a regular basis does make a much healthier colony. With no females in estrus in the colony, there is not as much fighting, competition, etc. Fleas are attracted to cats/dogs in poor health. A healthy cat usually has less fleas than an unhealthy one...just my thoughts. A friend of mine is considering setting up a website...a sort of "what happened to Feralstat" or "An Alternative To FeralStat"..just sort of a way to make this info more widely known for feral caretakers...what do some of you think about this? James
I think this is a
wonderful idea! Thanks James
My friend is willing
to buy the domain name to disseminate the ifno we've all uncovered about
using MA in liquid suspension in place of actual
The question I have, what do some of you think the domain name should be? I'm open for suggestions....give me your input. Guess we need it to be simple & easy to remember and tell others about it without much chance for spelling errors... Some ideas: whathappenedtoferalstat DOT com felinebirthcontrol DOT com birthcontrolforferals DOT com Any of you have other suggestions? James |
San Cesareo, Italy
feralcatbirthcontrol DOT com?
Randall |
How about
"NoMoreFeralKittens DOT com
Barbara in Orlando
James - if your target audience is people
outside of the TNR /rescue world, I wouldn't use "feral" in the
domain name since 90% of people either don't know the term or have a negative
association with it.
FYI, after a post I read on another blog about the FDA being responsible for Feralstat being off the market I searched the FDA website, both regular and veterinary drugs and recalls,voluntary withdrawals, and safety alerts and there was nothing at all for "Feralstat". I also read through the FDA guidelines for veterinarians as far as prescribing human drugs to animals, and they're given pretty wide latitude. As far as the trademark, John Caltabiano is listed as "registrant" but I didn't check to see how the registrant passing away affects the trademark status. My two cents - after advocating for humane treatment of feral cats here in Florida for years and coming up against a few well connected cat haters whose life goal seems to be keeping catch-and-kill the method of choice for "controlling" feral cats through animal control, it doesn't surprise me when anyone walks away from public endorsement of TNR/feral birth control. These people are vicious and tireless. |
Barabara, you are
right about the majority of the public not knowing what the word
"feral" means.
After I made my post above about the domain having the word "feralstat" in theDOT com site, I began to wonder about myself about trademark infringement...probably best the word "feralstat" be left out of the domain name. I too have run up against the cat-haters and know exactly what you mean about that. I myself too do not think that Feralstat was pulled because of FDA...if it had been, there would be record of it on the web somewhere. The ones that keep saying the FDA pulled Feralstat can't ever offer one shred of evidence to support that. Even some veterinarians erroneously report this as well, a perfect example was the post I posted here a few months ago about those vets that are on the payroll at one of those askDOTcom websites where a person asks a question and then pays the vet online when they answer it--lots & lots of erroneous information being "sold" to customers by these online vets when they ask about Feralstat. Not a single one of them ever quote this Topix thread or offer alternatives to their customers when asking about alternatives to Feralstat. I think if there was a simple website setup with a condensed version of what we all have found out here on our own about a safe alternative to Feralstat, more & more unwanted litters would be prevented, plus the public and vets themselves would be more educated about feline contraception. My friend has offered to set up a simple website for this purpose and I will supply him with the condensed & correct methods/info of mixing and dosing the MA, thus the public would not have to wade thru this now 2-yr old Topix thread for info on Feralstat alternatives. Last weekend, I visited a large business and the employees there had "adopted" a small colony of feral cats on the premises..all employees feed them daily and they are trying their best to TNR the colony, but they can't get ahead of the game. I told them about MA and this thread...they are now in process of buying MA and mixing themselves until they can TNR the whole colony. The employees had no idea a feline contraceptive existed and neither did their vet (supposedly). Keep suggesting domain names folks....I'll keep you posted.. James |
Barbara in Orlando
I think the
site is a great idea. Anything that can be done should be done to spread
the word that we finally have an edible birth control for cats. Especially
since it looks as if this is going to have to be a grassroots movement since
the large groups can't/won't endorse it.
If you need it, I copied all but the last couple posts from this thread that discussed dosage and where to get MA in to a Word doc. As far as a name - what about catbirthcontrol dot com. Barbara
What about:
BirthControlForCats DOT com ? Easy to remember and spell... James
James wrote:
What about:
BirthControlForCats DOT com ? Easy to remember and spell... James
I like your idea and
also "Barbara in Orlando" suggestion of CatBirthControl dot
BirthControl4Cats dot com (yours in another way :) Did you get my email, James? |
Busy Bee, I like
your suggestion as well. Yes, I did get your should have received
a reply by now..if not, email me back & I will resend it.
James |
Barbara in Orlando:
Another good suggestion you have there for a domain name...I may just see if
my friend will register two names and point the DNS settings to one
site, that way we can be covered with two easy to remember names...after a
few more suggestions for domain names, then maybe we can all decide and I'll
send the domain names to my friend and let him register itwith domain
services and then he can work on getting a web site up &
The MS Word document would be great to have with all the dosages listed. I can PDF it with Acrobat Pro X and people visiting the site would have access to a PDF as well as MS Word documents. Last night while researching more on megestrol acetate for feline contraception, I ran across some foreign websites that referred to a drug known as "Megecat"...turns out this is a feline contraceptive prescribed by vets in other countries such as Belgium, Switzerland, etc. I haven't researched much more on the dosages, but it seems like it has been used for some time in other countries. I wonder why so many vets here in USA are unaware of MA in felines for contraception?? Hmm...just strengthens my hypothesis that there is too much $$$ involved in feline contraception here in the USA and the drug companies can't patent MA, thus we have to wait years & years for ACCD and FDA and drug companies to bring AFFORDABLE contraceptives for cats and dogs to market, if they ever do. Barbara, you hit the nail on the head when you said this is turning into a grassroots effort. I'm glad we all stuck with this for the sake of the kitties as well as the caretakers. I'm sure when the website goes up there will be all the naysayers and hate mail coming in from all over...I'm sure it will be bombarded...I know that is a "given"...I'm just surprised this thread itself has stayed so "clean" and not hijacked by the naysayers. When I read your post Barbara, it reminded me of this quote: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead I'll keep you all posted on progress of the website as other suggestions come in. James |
Where can I get
megestrol acetate/feralstat or ovaban?
Do I have to involve a vet?(Not likely here.) The neighborhood is being over run by ferals. It is not feasible or affordable to trap & neuter all of the cats. Esp. with no help from neighbors or rescue groups. THANKS for any information you can provide. |
Since: Oct 12
![]() |
You can google to
find megestrol acetate on non-prescription foreign sites. Any MA strength
will do. You would just have to break it down for the dosing protocol you
choose. I've seen 2 so far, but have not read the entire site right here. Because
only small amounts would be ordered, the product comes into the country
relatively smoothly. What we would use for cats is not enough to make customs
think we are setting up a resale operation.
Barbara in Orlando
James - I emailed
you the Word doc. with the MA dosage discussions from this forum - please let
me know if you don't get it. Sorry about the delay - for some reason I don't
get all notifications of new postings and just got one today.
As far as Megecat, that's interesting and not surprising. When I was searching PubMed for MA studies I noticed that vets outside the US often offered the full text of their studies for free on-line where very few if any studies from US vets were available in full. It's all very discouraging. Thanks for the inspirational quote. |
I got it Barbara...I
have replied via email to you.
Thank you so much! Website will be up soon--may just be after Christmas though. James |
United States
So where can this
product be purchased. I have several kittens this year. More than last year.
ANd I would love to help keep this from happening. Too many cats that aren't
Debbie in Texas
United States
I would love to find
this product or anything like it. Any help anyone can give would be greatly
Barbara in Orlando
Did you read posting
# 260 ? Excellent info. about approaching a vet about prescribing MA. My
first request was a "no" (and he charged me for the visit) but that
was a learning experience and I'll keep trying.
#269 and #299 mention ordering from foreign sources.
JKPC wrote:
Where can I get megestrol acetate/feralstat or ovaban?
Do I have to involve a vet?(Not likely here.) The neighborhood is being over run by ferals. It is not feasible or affordable to trap & neuter all of the cats. Esp. with no help from neighbors or rescue groups. THANKS for any information you can provide. |
Barbara, Did the
money grubbing bastard even give you a reason why. You should have told him
to put his/her bill "where the sun don't shine"!!!! Please post his
name & address - I'll be glad to contact him & it won't be to wish
him/her a Merry Christmas. Good luck in finding a vet willing to write you a
perscription - they're out there so don't give up. Steve
Since: Dec 12
Thanks for your
responses to my inquiry!
I have a the head of feral rescue group (affiliated with a local shelter which the group influenced to become a no-kill) coming tomorrow to do a mass trapping for TNR. I met with her today when she delivered a new large group trap & asked why they weren't using "the pill for cats". She was unaware of MA/Feralstat and asked why it wasn't mainstream. I said I imagined it had to do with FDA. She also expressed concerns about side affects. I said if we woman can use a pill why can't cats? How bad would it be for a male to get a low dose?(We LOL about that & agreed the world might be a more peaceful place - no offense to you guys intended, really). After cries for help to many rescue groups over several years, I was directed to this local group as they are affiliated in their TNR program with Best Friends in Kanab, UT. Being new to this thread, there is lots of reading to get to the important facts. Would one of you who has participated in this thread over the years please post the important facts in summary form so I can print and give to this woman? She is a successful, high profile business woman here in SoCA & is committed to improving the quality of life for "community"/feral cats and she has contacts with Best Friends. She possibly could be a tremendous help to the kitty birth control movement. THANK YOU! |
James wrote:
I think the reason
that so much of this info we've all uncovered on feline contraception is so
sketchy and "hidden" is that the veterinary association does NOT
want feline/canine contraception. This is only my conclusion. I just think there's
too much money to be lost by vets if there was declining birth rates in cats
& dogs.
As for feral colonies being "flea-free" after dosed with MA..the more I think about it, colonies dosed with MA and being fed properly on a regular basis does make a much healthier colony. With no females in estrus in the colony, there is not as much fighting, competition, etc. Fleas are attracted to cats/dogs in poor health. A healthy cat usually has less fleas than an unhealthy one...just my thoughts. A friend of mine is considering setting up a website...a sort of "what happened to Feralstat" or "An Alternative To FeralStat"..just sort of a way to make this info more widely known for feral caretakers...what do some of you think about this? James
I think this is a wonderful
idea! Thanks James
My friend is willing
to buy the domain name to disseminate the ifno we've all uncovered about
using MA in liquid suspension in place of actual
The question I have, what do some of you think the domain name should be? I'm open for suggestions....give me your input. Guess we need it to be simple & easy to remember and tell others about it without much chance for spelling errors... Some ideas: whathappenedtoferalstat DOT com felinebirthcontrol DOT com birthcontrolforferals DOT com Any of you have other suggestions? James |
San Cesareo, Italy
feralcatbirthcontrol DOT com?
Randall |
How about "NoMoreFeralKittens DOT
Barbara in Orlando
James - if your target audience is people
outside of the TNR /rescue world, I wouldn't use "feral" in the
domain name since 90% of people either don't know the term or have a negative
association with it.
FYI, after a post I read on another blog about the FDA being responsible for Feralstat being off the market I searched the FDA website, both regular and veterinary drugs and recalls,voluntary withdrawals, and safety alerts and there was nothing at all for "Feralstat". I also read through the FDA guidelines for veterinarians as far as prescribing human drugs to animals, and they're given pretty wide latitude. As far as the trademark, John Caltabiano is listed as "registrant" but I didn't check to see how the registrant passing away affects the trademark status. My two cents - after advocating for humane treatment of feral cats here in Florida for years and coming up against a few well connected cat haters whose life goal seems to be keeping catch-and-kill the method of choice for "controlling" feral cats through animal control, it doesn't surprise me when anyone walks away from public endorsement of TNR/feral birth control. These people are vicious and tireless. |
Barabara, you are
right about the majority of the public not knowing what the word
"feral" means.
After I made my post above about the domain having the word "feralstat" in theDOT com site, I began to wonder about myself about trademark infringement...probably best the word "feralstat" be left out of the domain name. I too have run up against the cat-haters and know exactly what you mean about that. I myself too do not think that Feralstat was pulled because of FDA...if it had been, there would be record of it on the web somewhere. The ones that keep saying the FDA pulled Feralstat can't ever offer one shred of evidence to support that. Even some veterinarians erroneously report this as well, a perfect example was the post I posted here a few months ago about those vets that are on the payroll at one of those askDOTcom websites where a person asks a question and then pays the vet online when they answer it--lots & lots of erroneous information being "sold" to customers by these online vets when they ask about Feralstat. Not a single one of them ever quote this Topix thread or offer alternatives to their customers when asking about alternatives to Feralstat. I think if there was a simple website setup with a condensed version of what we all have found out here on our own about a safe alternative to Feralstat, more & more unwanted litters would be prevented, plus the public and vets themselves would be more educated about feline contraception. My friend has offered to set up a simple website for this purpose and I will supply him with the condensed & correct methods/info of mixing and dosing the MA, thus the public would not have to wade thru this now 2-yr old Topix thread for info on Feralstat alternatives. Last weekend, I visited a large business and the employees there had "adopted" a small colony of feral cats on the premises..all employees feed them daily and they are trying their best to TNR the colony, but they can't get ahead of the game. I told them about MA and this thread...they are now in process of buying MA and mixing themselves until they can TNR the whole colony. The employees had no idea a feline contraceptive existed and neither did their vet (supposedly). Keep suggesting domain names folks....I'll keep you posted.. James |
Barbara in Orlando
I think the
site is a great idea. Anything that can be done should be done to spread
the word that we finally have an edible birth control for cats. Especially
since it looks as if this is going to have to be a grassroots movement since
the large groups can't/won't endorse it.
If you need it, I copied all but the last couple posts from this thread that discussed dosage and where to get MA in to a Word doc. As far as a name - what about catbirthcontrol dot com. Barbara
What about:
BirthControlForCats DOT com ? Easy to remember and spell... James
James wrote:
What about:
BirthControlForCats DOT com ? Easy to remember and spell... James
I like your idea and
also "Barbara in Orlando" suggestion of CatBirthControl dot
BirthControl4Cats dot com (yours in another way :) Did you get my email, James? |
Busy Bee, I like
your suggestion as well. Yes, I did get your should have received
a reply by now..if not, email me back & I will resend it.
James |
Barbara in Orlando:
Another good suggestion you have there for a domain name...I may just see if
my friend will register two names and point the DNS settings to one
site, that way we can be covered with two easy to remember names...after a
few more suggestions for domain names, then maybe we can all decide and I'll
send the domain names to my friend and let him register itwith domain
services and then he can work on getting a web site up &
The MS Word document would be great to have with all the dosages listed. I can PDF it with Acrobat Pro X and people visiting the site would have access to a PDF as well as MS Word documents. Last night while researching more on megestrol acetate for feline contraception, I ran across some foreign websites that referred to a drug known as "Megecat"...turns out this is a feline contraceptive prescribed by vets in other countries such as Belgium, Switzerland, etc. I haven't researched much more on the dosages, but it seems like it has been used for some time in other countries. I wonder why so many vets here in USA are unaware of MA in felines for contraception?? Hmm...just strengthens my hypothesis that there is too much $$$ involved in feline contraception here in the USA and the drug companies can't patent MA, thus we have to wait years & years for ACCD and FDA and drug companies to bring AFFORDABLE contraceptives for cats and dogs to market, if they ever do. Barbara, you hit the nail on the head when you said this is turning into a grassroots effort. I'm glad we all stuck with this for the sake of the kitties as well as the caretakers. I'm sure when the website goes up there will be all the naysayers and hate mail coming in from all over...I'm sure it will be bombarded...I know that is a "given"...I'm just surprised this thread itself has stayed so "clean" and not hijacked by the naysayers. When I read your post Barbara, it reminded me of this quote: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead I'll keep you all posted on progress of the website as other suggestions come in. James |
Where can I get
megestrol acetate/feralstat or ovaban?
Do I have to involve a vet?(Not likely here.) The neighborhood is being over run by ferals. It is not feasible or affordable to trap & neuter all of the cats. Esp. with no help from neighbors or rescue groups. THANKS for any information you can provide. |
Since: Oct 12
![]() |
You can google to
find megestrol acetate on non-prescription foreign sites. Any MA strength
will do. You would just have to break it down for the dosing protocol you
choose. I've seen 2 so far, but have not read the entire site right here. Because
only small amounts would be ordered, the product comes into the country
relatively smoothly. What we would use for cats is not enough to make customs
think we are setting up a resale operation.
Barbara in Orlando
James - I emailed
you the Word doc. with the MA dosage discussions from this forum - please let
me know if you don't get it. Sorry about the delay - for some reason I don't
get all notifications of new postings and just got one today.
As far as Megecat, that's interesting and not surprising. When I was searching PubMed for MA studies I noticed that vets outside the US often offered the full text of their studies for free on-line where very few if any studies from US vets were available in full. It's all very discouraging. Thanks for the inspirational quote. |
I got it Barbara...I
have replied via email to you.
Thank you so much! Website will be up soon--may just be after Christmas though. James |
United States
So where can this
product be purchased. I have several kittens this year. More than last year.
ANd I would love to help keep this from happening. Too many cats that aren't
Debbie in Texas
United States
I would love to find
this product or anything like it. Any help anyone can give would be greatly
Barbara in Orlando
Did you read posting
# 260 ? Excellent info. about approaching a vet about prescribing MA. My
first request was a "no" (and he charged me for the visit) but that
was a learning experience and I'll keep trying.
#269 and #299 mention ordering from foreign sources.
JKPC wrote:
Where can I get megestrol acetate/feralstat or ovaban?
Do I have to involve a vet?(Not likely here.) The neighborhood is being over run by ferals. It is not feasible or affordable to trap & neuter all of the cats. Esp. with no help from neighbors or rescue groups. THANKS for any information you can provide. |
Barbara, Did the
money grubbing bastard even give you a reason why. You should have told him
to put his/her bill "where the sun don't shine"!!!! Please post his
name & address - I'll be glad to contact him & it won't be to wish
him/her a Merry Christmas. Good luck in finding a vet willing to write you a
perscription - they're out there so don't give up. Steve
Since: Dec 12
Thanks for your
responses to my inquiry!
I have a the head of feral rescue group (affiliated with a local shelter which the group influenced to become a no-kill) coming tomorrow to do a mass trapping for TNR. I met with her today when she delivered a new large group trap & asked why they weren't using "the pill for cats". She was unaware of MA/Feralstat and asked why it wasn't mainstream. I said I imagined it had to do with FDA. She also expressed concerns about side affects. I said if we woman can use a pill why can't cats? How bad would it be for a male to get a low dose?(We LOL about that & agreed the world might be a more peaceful place - no offense to you guys intended, really). After cries for help to many rescue groups over several years, I was directed to this local group as they are affiliated in their TNR program with Best Friends in Kanab, UT. Being new to this thread, there is lots of reading to get to the important facts. Would one of you who has participated in this thread over the years please post the important facts in summary form so I can print and give to this woman? She is a successful, high profile business woman here in SoCA & is committed to improving the quality of life for "community"/feral cats and she has contacts with Best Friends. She possibly could be a tremendous help to the kitty birth control movement. THANK YOU! |
Tell me when this
thread is updated:
There are 332 comments on the Feral Cats in the News story from Jul 29, 2008, titled FeralStat
contraceptive: ACCD statement. In it, Feral Cats in the News reports that:
Thursday, July 24,
2008 FeralStat contraceptive: ACCD statement AnimalResources early requested a
statement about FeralStat from leading feral cat and nonsurgical sterilization
veterinarians and the Alliance ...
221 - 240 of 332 Comments Last updated Thursday
May 28
me when this thread is updated:
First Prev
of 17