Ginger: I have created a
disposable email address that you can email me at and ask me for the flea and
antibiotic information.
This will protect you from having to publicly post YOUR email address here for everyone to see just so I can reply to your request for info. Contact me at this email address: ftaboxer AT yahoo DOT com I will send you the info once you have emailed me. The email address I posted above will be disposable--once it gets junked up with spam from trolls & robots it will be disposed of and not answered by me, so in the future, if in a few days or so and others want the info, I may have to create another one. For now, use the email addy I posted--we'll get a few days use out of it before it gets spammed. James |
So, is there or is there not
contraceptives for cats now on the market? Had great success with Feralstat
I prepared a package of
information about both my colony and ferastat, and included the link to
this site along with a number of posts, and presented it to my vet with
my request for a prescription. She read over everything, and then we had a good
discussion about the situation and options. She said that Ovaban is not much
favoured by vets due to its potential side effects and she does not
use it except as a means of last resort when the life or well-being of the
animal is already at risk and the side effects are considered a
reasonable risk under the circumstances. She said that she has never heard of
it being used in such small doses before, though, and agreed that this could
make a significant difference in the potential of side effects.
She also agreed that the known health threats and risks to both feral mothers
and their kittens from the female having multiple litters of
kittens in the wild every year, and the problem of trying to keep on top of
the numbers with a spay neuter program but without access to deep pockets and
available resources were far greater than the potential for a risks from
possible side effects from the ovaban. She has written me a
prescription. I will be keeping her informed about the health of the colony,
as she is interested in how this works out as she had never heard about
feralstat before. I am so grateful I have both a compassionate and sensible
vet! Thank you, James, for providing the information about the dosages. The
100 capsule bottle will definitely keep us going for a long time.
United States
Kathryn, I am glad you have a vet
with common sense. Once a sensible person weighs the risk of NO BIRTH CONTROL
for a colony vs. the minisculeside effects of megestrol acetate, then
most vets will prescribe the medicine. If you watch the "DOT
COM" TV ads for HUMAN medicines advertised during the afternoon
hours and listen to the side effects, then one would be scared to take
the medicines, but you can see big Pharma is making billion$ off human
drugs, even with the side effects.
Once a vet is EDUCATED about megestrol acetate then they usually come to their senses. It's just that the "educating" part of MA usually has to be done by people like us. I'm glad it worked out for you and by all of us working together here, maybe we can make a difference in the feral cat population. I am curious...what did you have to pay for a 100 count bottle? James |
Hi James,
I paid $26.20 which is definitely a better price than the feralstat! It's a good thing I already had a pill splitter and a pill crusher as it was interesting getting a dosage of 7.5 gm for my colony that currently numbers 11. One quarter pill and then 1/8th pill. It is the same dosage I was getting with the feral stat but you can really see where the added filler provided the bulk of the package. |
James ..can you please email me
peronally & let me know how you kpow of the dosage as 20mg & also how
you know that lactose powder isnt necessary...i'm on my last few cats dosage
& not sure what i will do..thanks for your knowledge on this subject...
dawnie129@yahoo.com anyone else with any more info on this topic please contact me as well dawn |
Has anyone found a place to get
the feral stat? Every day is getting longer which means spring is on its way.
What to do? I have not found a vet to work with. email gweimer@atlanticbb.net
I was serching the net for any an
all info on the drug, FeralStat, and came accross this forum.
After calling, the company and ofcourse not getting anywhere, I went online an found a place in California. It's called catafratsRX online pharmacy. Dr. Bruce Isenberg, is a licensed pharmacist, who will prescribe and sell. Megestrol acetate. 20mg. You must,however, give the name of your local vet , which he will contact before mailing out the pills. Mine came in less than 10 days. I paid 105.00 for 160 pills.(16 cats, and feed for 10 months) After reading the post from Kathryn, from GA. where she was able to get 100 pills (20 mg each) for 26.20 , I was a bit upset to have to pay , so much more. On the other hand, a hundred dollar bill is much much cheaper than all those unwanted kittens, plus the food to feed them I have 35 farm cats, 10 of which have been spayed. but feed only 16 females the MA , Each friday is their "day". Put the medicine, in a tablespoon of canned cat foodand place the plate, infront of them and wah-la.. they are taken care of for a week!! anyone who might want to chat with me, may do so, by emailing me at jhowardson@itctel.com jane |
United States
For those concerned about the
dosage of liquid MegAce or Megestrol Acetate (Ovaban) tablets, go back and
read this link by Dr. Fry at Fairchild:
http://www.fairchildcat.org/rich_text_1.html Some of us cannot get liquid MegAce, thus we have to use Megestrol Acetate (MA) TABLETS, usually in 20 mg each tablets. Thus we have to convert MA (Ovaban) tablets, 20 mg each, into a liquid suspension as it is very hard to break up the tablets into the miniscule amounts necessary for proper dosages. Here's how: Converting OvaBan/MA (20 mg each) Tablets Into Liquid Suspension Many users of OvaBan tablets are having a hard time finding the 5 mg OvaBan tablets as outlined in the dosage charts. It seems that the more common OvaBan/MA tablets are actually 20 mg per tablet rather than 5 mg per tablet. If you are a feral colony care giver, you can see that it would be quite difficult to divide a 20 mg tablet into 1 & 2/3 tablets for a colony of 20-23 cats as outlined in the OvaBan tablet (5 mg each tablet) dosage chart. If your vet's supplier cannot find the 5 mg OvaBan tablets and can only find the 20 mg tablets, then it is best to make up an oral suspension of OvaBan/MA by mixing the 20 mg each OvaBan tablets with distilled water. Once you have mixed the OvaBan tablets with distilled water then you can refer to the chart at the link for dosingof liquid MegAce. Use a pill crusher. Crush the pills thoroughly. Here are the correct mixing ratios for converting tablets into liquid suspension: Remember you have OvaBan/MA in 20 mg tablets-1 tablet at 20 mg per tablet is equivalent to 4 OvaBan tablets at 5 mg per tablet. Follow the charts in the link above for liquid MegAce which mix at 7 parts distilled water to 1 part liquid MegAce. The liquid MegAce is available at 40 mg per ml. If you actually buy the liquid MegAce to use, then 1 ml of the liquid MegAce would be diluted into 7 ml of distilled water. However, since we are using 20 mg OvaBan tablets rather than liquid MegAce then you will need to crush 2 of the 20 mg each tablets (40 mg total) and then dissolve them into 8 ml of distilled water. Once dissolved, you now will have 8 ml of liquid MegAce with 5 mg of megestrol acetate in each ml.(40 mg divided by 8 ml = 5 mg per ml.) This is now the same strength as if you had bought a bottle of liquid MegAce and diluted 1 ml of it into 7 ml of distilled water. All we have done is we have taken 2 OvaBan tablets at 20 mg per tablet, crushed thoroughly, and mixed with 8 ml of distilled water. It would be very hard to divide and cut up the proper dosage (1&2/3 of the 5 mg tablets) for a colony of 20-23 cats if you only had the 20 mg OvaBan tablets. However, since we have converted 2 of the 20 mg each OvaBan tablets into a liquid, it is very easy to now dose the colony at 1.6 ml of the liquid MegAce we just made, which is the amount we need for a colony of 20-23 ferals as shown on the liquid MegAce dosage chart earlier. Now, simply use a needleless syringe to draw up 1.6 ml from the 8 ml suspension we just made. You may want to mix up larger quantities of the 20 mg OvaBan tablets to make future dosings easier. Store the newly made liquid OvaBan as you normally would liquid MegAce. Also, the tablets your vet prescribes you may not be actually branded as OvaBan. I have seen bottles labeled as just "Megestrol Acetate" rather than have the brand name of OvaBan on them. These are the same as the brand name OvaBan and the most common strength of these will be 20 mg tablets. I cannot stress enough that overdosing of MA/OvaBan is NOT advised. You MUST follow the dosages as outlined above. And again, lactose powder like in the original FeralStat is strictly for taste purposes to mask the bad taste of the MA/OvaBan. It is NOT needed for contraceptive purposes. Re-read the link at Fairchild again & you'll see that they do NOT use lactose for their colonies. http://www.fairchildcat.org/rich_text_1.html James |
United States
Jane:$100.00 for 160 pills is not
bad for MA considering it is so difficult to find a vet that is educated
enough on the use of the drug.
I appreciate you posting the info for your source. I will keep him in mind in case my vet retires. I would gladly pay that for 160 pills if I had no other choice--it is still MUCH cheaper than FeralStat. If you convert the tablets into liquid suspension, assuming they are 20 mg tablets each, you will sure get your money's worth. Since you are only feeding 16 females the MA, that works out to 1.5 ml of liquid suspension TWICE a week--so you see those 160 pills will last a long time. Since 2 pills make up an 8 ml suspension in distilled water, you see you will get about 2 1/2 weeks dosing out of those 2 pills at 1.5 ml twice a week in a liquid suspension. Again, that is assuming that your pills are 20 mg each tablet. Thanks again for posting that info--I'm filing it for future use if necessary. James |
Hi James..i'm still a little
comfused on the dosage..feralstat i was giving each cat 1/8th of a teaspoon
in theirt wet food..can you please be more specific as to how to mix the
megestrol acetate to liquify it & then divide it..is there an easier way
to just divide the pill & ground up & add to the wet food?..Thanks
everyone for all your help...I have 20 cats ..8 females & have been using
feralstat for the passed 2 yrs...this week is my last batch & i have 4
cats that still need it...have to find a vet to help or will contact who Jane
mentioned..unfortunately if the Dr. calls my vet i think they will nix
it...last time i mentioned they were on Feralstat she went ito the whole
thngs about side effects..i think having tons of unwanted kittens is worse...THANKS
dawnie129@yahoo.com |
James..1 moe thing..why do you
have to give it to the cats twice a week when Feralstat was only one a week?
Jane..i went to that online
suggestion but there doesnt seem to be a phone # for them...only an address
when you go to contact them..would you have their #..THANKS...sorry for all
my posts but as you can probably see i'm getting a bit desperate here
United States
Dawn, look back at the link to
Fairchild Cat and you will see the dosage link that Dr. Fry at Fairchild
lists. Her dosage frequency chart lists the dosage based on number in colony
and you will see she lists the frequency. You should be able to email her
with any questions about their tried & true method of using MA to control
My guess is that perhaps Dr. Catalbiano, inventor of FeralStat Inc. was using a much higher strength of MA in his Feralstat formula. Feralstat was secretive about their ingredients. I'd suggest emailing Fairchild and asking them for guidance on dosage if you are not sure of the amounts for your colony. Fairchild has been using this method of contraception for over 10 years. As for clearer instructs on liquefying MA in a liquid suspension...not sure what you mean here. In a nutshell, you are taking TWO MA/Ovaban tablets of 20 mg strength each, crushing them thoroughly and mix/dissolve them with 8 ml of distilled water. Shake thoroughly and you now have 8ml of a LIQUID that is equivalent to the liquid brand of MA known as "MegAce" as outlined in Fairchild's link that I posted above. Your mixed solution is now 8ml of liquid suspension, 40 mg strength with 5 mg of MA in each ml. Go to the link, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see Fairchild's dosage chart for the use of liquid MegAce (40 mg) diluted down to 5 mg of MA in a single ML. Thus 8 ml of liquid MegAce is 40 mg strength total as 8 ml x 5 mg per ml = 40mg. James |
thanks James..will do..all i know
is i was giving each cat individualy 1/8th teaspoon in their food once a
week..was trying to not have to mix just divide the pill..this forum is the
best i have found..at least here people care about stopping the spread of
endless kittens..hopefully i can get the megestrol acetate real soon!
thanks again! |
United States
Actually, by using a liquid measure
of the MA in a liquid suspension, you can better control the true amount of
the dosage than you can by using a pill cutter to divide up the pills into
small amounts. Accuracy in dosage is critical here and it is much easier to
measure ML in an eyedropper or needle-less syringe than for example trying to
cut up a pill in to 1 2/3 pieces.
I sincerely hope you can find a vet that will give you an RX for the medicine...just remember EDUCATION of the vet on the subject/use of MA is probably a crucial factor as most vets just simply do not know of the use of MA for our purposes. Good luck! James |
I have contacted my local Friends
of Felines and they will take care of spay and neuter for a donation. Also
test cats, give shots and micro chip them. All I have to do is promise to
take them back and feed them.
Betty McIntyre
We are fortunate enough that our
vet ordered megestrol acetate for us and assures us it will have the same
results as feralstat. I am so grateful for this and hope you all will be so
fortunate. Thanks for all the good information.
Betty..can you tell me how you're
using it..as i mentioned above..i have 8 females & was giving each cat
individually 1/8th teaspoon mixed in their dry food..THANKS everyone for all
your help..just knowing there are some vets willing to prescibe megestrol
acetate for the control of kittens gives me some hope i'll be able to obtain
Since: Jan 12
![]() |
Hi everyone,
I am curious, about those of you, who are still feeding the birth control, what ever you use..this time of the year?? I only feed from Jan, thru mid Nov.? ofcourse I do live in the upper midwest and the cold, does affect the breeding season for cats,(or so I am told.) I have lived here for 40 years and NEVER had kittens in the winter.ever.......... I guess my point to this post is, you wouldnt need so much , if you only fed for 10 months of the year. I also, called back to the place in california, and asked the pharamcists, if the dosage of 1/4 of a 20 mg. ovaban tab. would be to much for one cat...since I just put it in a small amount of canned cat food. his reply was , absolutely not.!!!! then he thanked me for taking care of all the cats that I have.. Jane p.s. I wonder if anyone would like the telephone number to that Catsafrat RX online pharmacy, where I purchased my ovaban? |
Tell me when this
thread is updated:
of 17
81 - 100 of 332 Comments Last updated Thursday
May 28
of 17
Gail from Hilltop Humane
The kittens should do fine with
time but the older ferals take a lot of patience and some will never be
really domesticated. I trapped one where I lived over 3 years ago (which is
how I got involved with Hilltop Humane Society, a cat rescue organization and
shelter in Randolph, MA). It was supposed to have been TNR
(trap-neuter-return) but I had trouble following through with the
"r" part! Anyway, Melissa gets on fine with my other 4
cats but will not let me pat her yet. She comes when I call, chooses to
sleep a short way away and watchme work, and has recently started to
walk by me within a few inches. She adores my big male cat, walking around
pressed up against him. But if I even sneak in a touch she jumps away. I tell
her that someday she will be a lap cat. I can dream!
Thedford, Canada
Yvette wrote:
Im from Ontario
Canada and am panicking over here. I had a prescription from a Dr. Heller via
Feralstat and I'm almost out. Has anyone heard how Canadians might be able to
access a prescription from a U.S. vet over the phone?
Hi Yvette,
I am from Ontario also and I have been trying to find a solution as well. I have hit a wall with every vet I contacted. Hopefully feralstat will be available again soon. Good luck to you! |
Tracey: when you contact a vet
there in Ontario, are you asking for "FeralStat" specifically or
are you asking for megestrol acetate pills or liquid Megace? If you
are asking for "FeralStat" that is a brand name penned by
Dr. Caltabiano, the one who mixed & marketed FeralStat. 99.9% of the vets
in this country will NOT know what FeralStat is--thus they will Google
"FeralStat" and see all the negative & untrue claims put out by
the ACCD and then they won't prescribe it.
Instead, some vets, especially those dealing with cat fancy show cats, will know of the use of "megestrol acetate" to control estrus in felines. Megestrol Acetate is the SAME thing as FeralStat, just without the FeralStat name and FeralStat also contained lactose powder--a NON-necessaryingredient--you only need megestrol acetate pills or liquid Megace--plain and simple. Also, remember these two meds, pills & liquid, are used for appetite control in humans--check with family members that may have had cancer or other problems that required these meds--they may have MA pills or liquid MegAce on hand--it's the same as that for cats/dogs. Also, are you just talking to these vets over the phone rather than in person/in office? If doing so over the phone, you probably will never get a vet to write you a scrip for megestrol acetate. It's worth a vet visit to explain to him IN PERSON what you need (megestrol acetate, 20 mg pills) and WHY you need it (to control estrus in feral colonies). Look in your yellow pages for "cat fancy" associations, look for feline only vets, look for cat fancy breeders (many of them may sell you a few pills of MA as MA is regularly used by them)... Again, you may need to educate your vet on the use of MA for controlling estrus--point him to the links I posted way back in this thread on proper dosage & breakdown from the Fairchild website. If you Google "buy megestrol acetate" you can see there are plenty of hits for purchasing, you just need a prescription for it from a vet...and believe me, it's not too hard to find a vet that will finally prescribe it for you once you follow proper protocol and talk IN PERSON with him/her. Vets are in business to make $$ too--they will be more considerate of your plight if you are a paying customer of theirs. Look at the online prices of MA pills & liquid and you will see that we all paid way TOO MUCH in the past for FeralStat. The money you save on MA pills or liquid will more than pay for an "in person" vet visit to try to obtain a prescription. I highly doubt that the FeralStat website will ever be back up and running. I wish it would for the sake of everybody here, but I doubt it will. You don't just stop selling a much wanted product for no reason at all unless they ran into legal problems. Good luck....HTH. James |
What A Bogus Solution
Another Failure From The START
Sterilizing cats does NOTHING to stop them from the VERY REASON they're not supposed to be out in nature in the first place. This does NOTHING to stop them from destroying valuable native-wildlife nor spreading their deadly diseases to each other, other animals, and even humans. To top it off, NO TRAPPING PROGRAM ANYWHERE HAS EVER TRAPPED MORE THAN 0.4% OF THEM. Always allowing >99.6% to continue to breed out of control exponentially. I did the research. Even Oregon's amazing 50,000 TNR'ed cats will have only trapped 0.35% of them by year's-end if you apply cats breeding rates to all their untrapped cats. There's a very good reason that Trap & Kill was JUST AS ineffective as Trap & Sterilize. They CANNOT be trapped faster than they breed. There is only ONEsolution. It is the ONLY method that is faster than a species can out-breed and adapt to. HUNTED TO EXTINCTION. That's a painful and very real FACT. Now get your heads out of your collectively ignorant and stupid asses and actually DO SOMETHING about this ecological disaster that you have created. Trying to sterilize <0.4% of them is NEVER GOING TO WORK.
"Bogus TROLL", take your
ignorance elsewhere. You say "I did the research." What did you
research, Dr. Seuss? People like you with a ROOM TEMPERATURE IQ need to stick
to the Fisher-Price toy research/testing forums....your the kind they use to
see if they can hurt themselves with simple minded toys for simple minded
TROLLS--which is what you are.
Your village called today...they lost their idiot. Please go home. That's all I have to say to you..go hijack other threads with your Fisher-Price "See & Say" computer. Your mommy's calling... James
Thedford, Canada
James wrote:
Tracey: when you
contact a vet there in Ontario, are you asking for "FeralStat"
specifically or are you asking for megestrol acetate pills or
liquid Megace? If you are asking for "FeralStat" that is
a brand name penned by Dr. Caltabiano, the one who mixed &
marketed FeralStat. 99.9% of the vets in this country will NOT know what
FeralStat is--thus they will Google "FeralStat" and see all the
negative & untrue claims put out by the ACCD and then they won't
prescribe it.
Instead, some vets, especially those dealing with cat fancy show cats, will know of the use of "megestrol acetate" to control estrus in felines. Megestrol Acetate is the SAME thing as FeralStat, just without the FeralStat name and FeralStat also contained lactose powder--a NON-necessary ingredient--you only need megestrol acetate pills or liquid Megace--plain and simple. Also, remember these two meds, pills & liquid, are used for appetite control in humans--check with family members that may have had cancer or other problems that required these meds--they may have MA pills or liquid MegAce on hand--it's the same as that for cats/dogs. Also, are you just talking to these vets over the phone rather than in person/in office? If doing so over the phone, you probably will never get a vet to write you a scrip for megestrol acetate. It's worth a vet visit to explain to him IN PERSON what you need (megestrol acetate, 20 mg pills) and WHY you need it (to control estrus in feral colonies). Look in your yellow pages for "cat fancy" associations, look for feline only vets, look for cat fancy breeders (many of them may sell you a few pills of MA as MA is regularly used by them)... Again, you may need to educate your vet on the use of MA for controlling estrus--point him to the links I posted way back in this thread on proper dosage & breakdownfrom the Fairchild website. If you Google "buy megestrol acetate" you can see there are plenty of hits for purchasing, you just need a prescription for it from a vet...and believe me, it's not too hard to find a vet that will finally prescribe it for you once you follow proper protocol and talk IN PERSON with him/her. Vets are in business to make $$ too--they will be more considerate of your plight if you are a paying customer of theirs. Look at the online prices of MA pills & liquid and you will see that we all paid way TOO MUCH in the past for FeralStat. The money you save on MA pills or liquid will more than pay for an "in person" vet visit to try to obtain a prescription. I highly doubt that the FeralStat website will ever be back up and running. I wish it would for the sake of everybody here, but I doubt it will. You don't just stop selling a much wanted product for no reason at all unless they ran into legal problems. Good luck....HTH. James
Thanks James, that is very
I hope it helped you Tracey--keep
us posted on your success. Happy Thanksgiving!
James |
True Dat
"Many fools stumble over the
truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had
happened." - Winston Churchill
I notice that our troll seems to
be transient - he first posts from Buffalo MN and then Sauk Rapids. He also
appears to have multiple persona on this site and is using them to 'judge'
his comments positive and others negative.
Regardless, these posts are incendiary as well as inaccurate. I have reported them as abuse.
Anyone completely ignores the
"humane" part of TNR does not belong to this thread.
Look up the term TNR advocates
just LOVE to use on how they reduce their feral-cat numbers, their
candy-coating feel-good term of "Death by Attrition". This means
that their cats will die from disease, cat-attacks, animal-attacks, exposure,
road-kill, starvation, and any other means that drastically shortens cats'
lives. They don't die from old-age, you know! ALL their cats suffering for
how many months it takes to die that way. Just because they don't see how
that cat lies there, gasping for air, dying for days, after it's been hit by
a car or survived an animal attack means that it didn't die inhumanely? Is
that how it works with TNR advocates? They didn't see it suffer to death so
it didn't suffer? Are they THIS self-deluded? A cat dying from poisoning is
even more humane than a cat dying from TNR's "attrition" (of which
poisoning by any means; plant, snake, insect, or chemical; is one of the many
methods that falls under the definition of "attrition). In most parts of
this country and the world TNR practices clearly falls under the guidelines
for cruelty to animals, animal-abuse, animal-endangerment, and
animal-abandonment laws. Including being in direct violation of every
invasive-species law in existence.
Let's not forget how TNR advocates don't hesitate to carve up cats with scalpels as well as cutting off parts of their ears, from which they have to heal-up for weeks before they try to survive again. As if letting them die of "attrition" wasn't bad enough, TNR-advocates start them off by terrorizing them with traps, cages, and sticking knives into them first.(Which is also precisely why they can't trap them a 2nd time to keep them vaccinated.) Not only are they cruelly torturing cats, but also all wildlife they inflict their cats upon. Their cats literally ripping the skin off of and clawing the guts out of any wildlife to use it as an agonizingly and slowly dying twitching play-toy for their cats. And as soon as all the "fun" has drained out of their play-toy, they go on and find another one to torture. This is no different than if cat-owners went to a pet-store and bought canaries and hamsters then threw them at their cats to watch their cats tear them apart for their amusement. What about all the native predators that depend on all those animals for their ONLY food? Their cats cause all those animals to STARVE TO DEATH. TNR-advocates' cruelty knows no bounds. If you want to raise revenue for your towns and cities in order to deal with this invasive-species ecological-disaster properly and effectively, start charging all these TNR advocates with severe fines and imprisonment for CRUELTY TO ANIMALS AND VIOLATION OF INVASIVE-SPECIES LAWS. They're not doing this out of any goodness of their hearts. THEY DON'T HAVE HEARTS, nor minds. Proved, 100%.
FeralStat update: There may be
hope for all of us hoping for Feralstat's return. I've emailed the lab that
made the product and they've advised the following: "We are working with
the feralstat group to establish a procedure to provide the product. Please
check back with us to the progress."
I will post anything new I find out...
Floydene Norred
kcook924 wrote:
Did the FeralStat
work? I am faced with the same problem as you.
<quoted text>
Hi, YES!!!! Feral Stat works. My
mom and I have been rescuing cats for a long time now and this was the only
option left to us because where we live the Vet's charge 300.00 dollars an animal
for spaying the females. When you live on a fixed income and you do not have
any options left just what are you supposed to do?
Here is what I received from Feral
Stat via email on 11/29/2011 after I asked if they were offering Feral Stat
I wish the answer was "yes," but not yet. Cutting through governmental red tape is a long and frustrating process, but we haven't give up yet! Sincerely, Donna Sicuranza FeralStat, Inc.
United States
James wrote:
That was supposed to
have been "meds" in my original post above...I will post info later
tonight about how to get antibiotics without a prescription for cats (and
dogs)....gotta head to work right now...will post it later.
Can you please tell us how to get
antibiotics without a prescription for the cats . thanks Clyde from
Kirbyville Tx.
Clyde, due to the idiotic troll
that reared its brainless head on this thread, you will receive the
information via an email to the email address you posted above earlier. The
less information posted here for a while means less food for the
troll....don't feed the troll!:)
I forgot about not posting the info earlier---check your email. James |
United States
James wrote:
That was supposed to
have been "meds" in my original post above...I will post info later
tonight about how to get antibiotics without a prescription for cats (and
dogs)....gotta head to work right now...will post it later.
I got your reply about the
antibiotics ,I am very happy that you know alot about all this stuff.You have
been very helpful,can i get you to tell me about the flea treatments?I really
would appreciate it! CLYDE FROM KIRBYVILLE TX.
Betty McIntyre
kcook924 wrote:
Did the FeralStat
Feralstat worked wonders but is no
longer available and that is a real shame
James could you email me about the
antibotics and the flea treatment. My cats are feral and one is getting bare
spots on her body. Not sue what she has yet. Up till now all have been really
healthy. Thanks to Feralstat. I gave it to my cats for two years until it
became unavailable. It was a God send, and they were really healthy and had
beautiful coats. I have been lucky since the weather turned cold about the
time I ran out. Don't know yet what to do when it starts to get warm again
Ginger, bare spots sounds like a
flea allergy. I would be happy to email you the flea & antibiotic info,
but I don't have your email addy. Due to the trolls and spam bots, I will not
post my email here. Give me a day or two and I will create a
"disposable" email address that you can contact me off this
discussion board via email and I can forward the info to you.
As for alternative to FeralStat when warm weather hits, do your best to get with a compassionate vet that can prescribe you some MegAce or MA--I seriously doubt FeralStat will be back any time soon with all the red tape involved. James
ginger wrote:
James could you email me about the antibotics and the flea
treatment. My cats are feral and one is getting bare spots on her body. Not
sue what she has yet. Up till now all have been really healthy. Thanks to
Feralstat. I gave it to my cats for two years until it became unavailable. It
was a God send, and they were really healthy and had beautiful coats. I have
been lucky since the weather turned cold about the time I ran out. Don't know
yet what to do when it starts to get warm again
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