Sunday, July 1, 2018

Topix thread 06152015 posts 132 to 174

Deborah Jerry - Cuba City
#153 Feb 7, 2012
Will the people out there that believe in feralstat please, please, email Prince at & let him know what feralstat has done for you so that he may get this information to the people addressing the issues of feralstat. The only way to get feralstat back on the market is if enough people speak up on the benefits vs. the risks.
United States
#154 Feb 9, 2012
I myself do not see how emailing the pharmacy that compounded Feralstat and touting its wonders will help to get it back on the market. Why won't Westlab or the Feralstat Inc. tell us WHY it ceased production so rapidly with no warning?

What is the truth behind the whole matter and why the vagueness on this question from Westlab?

Obviously WestLab stands to gain monetarily if FeralStat is re-introduced. We all now know there is indeed a cheaper alternative to Feralstat in the form of MA, which is the main ingredient of Feralstat...the lactose powder was strictly for masking/taste.

Since Westlab compounded it, they know the exact formula. Any overseas/offshore lab could analyze a sample of Feralstat and duplicate it. If WestLab wants it on the market so bad for the sake of feral colony caretakers, then why don't they release the actual formula to an overseas compounding lab? We all know this will never happen as Westlab would not make money on sales.

Contrary to popular belief, MA can be purchased from off shore drug sites without a prescription, not that I am condoning such actions, just stating that MA is available out there with no RX if one is willing to seek it out on the web.

Whoever or whatever entity/regulation pulled Feralstat off the market obviously knows good and well the BENEFITS of Feralstat as they can look at the sales figures of the drug itself and KNOW THAT IT WORKS--I don't see how emailing the pharmacy and beating a dead horse is going to cut through mammoth red tape/regulations and bring Feralstat back.

Ask Westlab or Feralstat Inc. WHY it ceased production....WestLab has been asked this before and NOBODY there will give an answer--they only dodge the question with vagueness and tell you "we are awaiting approval to begin dispensing Feralstat"....APPROVAL FROM WHOM?? That is the question I want answered.

I myself have given up on Feralstat being re-introduced--I hope I am wrong. As for now, our ONLY alternative is MA.

Deborah Jerry - Cuba City
#155 Feb 9, 2012
The reason that the guy at Westlab Pharmacy wanted people to email him about how important feralstat was to them was to show to the different organizations that oppose feralstat on the grounds that it has side affects was that feralstat was working & that the cats were healthy. In otherwords, to debunk these organization's ideas that feralstat might be harmful to the cats. But most people feel that the benefits outweigh the risks. These organizations need to understand that not all areas around the country have the resources to control the over population of unwanted cats & that feralstat is their only option. As for me, I'm not giving up on the possibility of feralstat making a comeback. I hope other people feel the same way & will keep fighting to get it back on the market.
#156 Feb 13, 2012
(I will attempt this post one last time.) Only after multiple emails did I finally get a reply from the FeralStat folks --(I called them an SOB, I put that so you understand the context of their reply):

Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2012 14:15:41 +0000
Subject: Re: FeralStat

We are exploring all options for making FeralStat available again as soon as possible. Until that time, we suggest you continue your Trap, Neuter and Release efforts, control your temper and clean up your language.
FeralStat, Inc.

My response to them: Is there anything those of us who use the FeralStat can do to help you? Testimonials?

Prior to FeralStat kittens were being born in this barn that were developing upper respiratory tract infections and dying a horrible death. I would get medication from the veterinarian but it usually did not help. One kitten had such a serious eye infection that her eye ruptured (literally) when I was putting salve in her eyes. I took her to the vet and she was blind in the eye that had not ruptured, so I did spend $63 to have her put to sleep. The farm where these cats are that we feed are on a federal highway. To TNR is not practical because people are always dumping cats. We have neutered over 50 cats on our own dime -- it never ends (the dumping), but the FeralStat stopped the kittens.
#157 Feb 13, 2012
After 3 years with no kittens, I now have two pregnant ferals. We were ALL happier on FeralStat... Now the cycle is starting over and I can't find a vet who is willing to 'take the chance' with a prescription.... I'll keep contacting and trying, but watching them increase is breaking my heart...
Since: Jan 12
#158 Feb 13, 2012
Mommameow wrote:
After 3 years with no kittens, I now have two pregnant ferals. We were ALL happier on FeralStat... Now the cycle is starting over and I can't find a vet who is willing to 'take the chance' with a prescription.... I'll keep contacting and trying, but watching them increase is breaking my heart...
Hi Mommameow,
If you would contact the CatsafratRX online, and ask for a supply of ovaban, they would be able to help you..or..
If you would email me, perhaps I could offer my help,
My heart goes out to you, as I know how frustrating unwanted kittens can be. Janey
#159 Feb 14, 2012
Mommameow: Did you see the "recipe" on page 2 of this thread? I'm presently dealing with our vet to see if he will create that recipe for us to use.
#160 Feb 21, 2012
James wrote:
Ok Ladies, I may have found a solution to our problem! After 100's of hours researching & using Google, I've found a Non-profit Foundation that prescribes OvaBan/MegAce. MegAce is human equivalent of megestrol acetate.
It seems as if I've found the same formula as FeralStat itself!
I KNEW I could find a DIY for us to make our own FeralStat if I kept digging.
The website is:(scroll to bottom half of page)
Not sure if they mail order--if any of you call them up, please post your results here for all of us to share.
Here is the formula they list. I hope I have helped you all that we seem to have an alternative to FeralStat, it should be easy to get MegAce/OvaBan from our vets & mix our own & save $.
Here's the info:
Ovaban is utilized as an oral contraceptive to reduce the number of litters born into a colony
while the cats are being humane trapped and neutered. The dosages indicated below are low enough to be safe but effective based on previous studies. We have had great success in preventing HUNDREDS of Pregnancies in the past 10 years, thus reducing the unwanted cat overpopulation BY MILLIONS!
NEVER give more medication than is directed. Human Megace (40 mg/ml) is diluted down to 5 mg per ml with distilled water--this suspension is used instead of crushing the name-brand Ovaban tablets (1 tablet = 1 ml).
It is very important that you continually evaluate the size of your colony and insure that you are using the correct dosage and frequency for the size of your colony.
Total Number of Cats in the Colony - Dosage per colony / Frequency
< 5 cats .5 ml ONCE a week
5-7 cats 1.0 ml ONCE a week
8-11 cats 1.5 ml ONCE a week
12-15 cats 1.0 ml TWICE A WEEK
16-19 cats 1.5 ml TWICE A WEEK
20-23 cats 1.6 ml TWICE A WEEK
24-27 cats 2.0 ml TWICE A WEEK
28-31 cats 2.2 ml TWICE A WEEK
32-35 cats 2.5 ml TWICE A WEEK
36-39 cats 2.8 ml TWICE A WEEK
40 + cats 3.0 ml TWICE A WEEK
NOTE: For the 3cc syringe each line is 0.1 ml whereas on the 6cc syringe each line is 0.2 ml
1) This medication MUST be mixed in CANNED cat food and served on multiple plates or dishes (NO PAPER). Use one 5.5 oz can of cat food for every 3 cats in your colony. It is very important to spread it out on as many plates as possible so the entire colony is being medicated as evenly as possible.
2)Shake the bottle of medication vigorously as the ovaban settles to the bottom. It is very important that the ovaban is mixed thoroughly before dosing to avoid under/overdose.Divide the appropriate dose of medication for your colony evenly among the plates of food and mix it thoroughly into each plate of food.
4)Store medication with bottle tightly capped in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.
5)Wash syringe with dish soap and water. Rinse thoroughly. Allow syringe to air dry on a paper towel.
6)DO NOT SKIP OR MISS A DOSE!If you were unable to dose the cats on your scheduled day, do so on the very next day and resume your schedule the following week. For colonies that require a frequency of 2 x per week, the dosages MUST be spaced out.
Thank you so very much for this information.
#161 Feb 21, 2012
Thanks to everyone for understanding! I appreciate the information so much, and just wish I could find a local vet. I will be trying some of your suggestions to see if we can get some medication. My colony (abandoned litters from 6 years ago) had swelled to 16, then with FeralStat we were slowly decreasing... I was at 5!!! Now I have THREE pregnant. I want to have something in place so I can stop this madness. I have three homes ready for the babies, but you know I'll have 15 kittens....
#162 Feb 24, 2012
dolores..I have ovaban pills & don't know how i would dose them out.I was told to give eavh cat 1/4th of the pill but was then told that that was too much..How would i break that up ot dilute them with water if possible??..thank
Barbara in Orlando
#163 Feb 24, 2012
Per Prince at Westlab (phone conversation), Feralstat is a trademarked product and not available though them, but if a vet were to call in a prescription asking for "feline contraceptive" or "Ovaban" or "Megestrol Acetate" at 1mg/gm, they would provide either 150 scoops (1 scoop doses 2 cats once a week) for $68.99 or 300 scoops for $89.99.

I care less about the "why" of Feralstat disappearing than I do about having an alternative available, which we now have.
#164 Feb 24, 2012
Many thanks to everyone who has responded with such great information. I especially want to thank Janey for the referral on Monday the 13th. I have contacted them and will be receiving the medication soon! There truly are wonderful people out there who "get" the whole feral cat idea. The cost is more reasonable than I imagined, and the compassion for our ferals is evident. Thank you so much!
#165 Feb 24, 2012
Thanks to all for the information on WestLab. What is still the fly in the ointment is that feral colony caretakers will still need a licensed veterinarian to call WestLab up and order an RX for MA, Ovaban, or "feline contraceptive", etc...

One still CANNOT just call WestLab up and order MA/Ovaban like we did with Feralstat without a vet.

The problem all along has NOT been finding an alternative to FeralStat as we all now know that megestrol acetate/Ovaban is the main active ingredient in Feralstat. Since Feralstat ceased prescribing, the underlying problem for feral colony caretakers has been to find a vet that will prescribe MA/Ovaban. As we have stated over & over in this thread, many vets are NOT aware of MA/OVaban and are hesitant to prescribe it.

Just yesterday I received a very short unsigned email from WestLab that simply stated "Please have your vet contact us regarding Feralstat."

Just days before all inquiries to WestLab in regards to Feralstat was that Feralstat was no longer in production and hoped to be back soon.

I was puzzled yesterday why WestLab followed up with the short email instructing me to have my vet contact them about Feralstat.

The post above clears this up now---apparently WestLab has begun selling MA/Ovaban in "scoops" and they've worked out their "dosing" plan similar to Feralstat.

According to the post, Westlab will sell 300 "scoops" of MA/Ovaban for $89.99 USD. Doing the math that they reference for 2 feral cats, a customer should be able to dose 2 feral cats, ONCE A WEEK, for 75 MONTHS at a total cost of $89.99 USD.

Again, remember that WestLab has sold you megestrol acetate/OvaBan and only with your vet's prescription.

If one has a vet that will indeed call in a prescription to WestLab for MA/OvaBan, then why not cut WestLab completely out of the equation and save a lot of money in doing so?

For example, I am lucky enough to have a vet that will prescribe MA/OvaBan. He simply calls the local pharmacy up and prescribes it when I need more for my feral colonies.

My local drug store charges me $30.00 for 100 count of 20 MG per tablet of megestrol acetate/Ovaban. Out of that 100 count bottle of pills and using the same math that WestLab references to take care of (2) cats, once a week, I can get 800 doses/scoops of MA/OvaBan for $30.00. These 800 doses translates to 200 MONTHS of "scoops" for $30.00, whereas if my vet calls up WestLab, their price is $89.99 for 300 doses/scoops of MA/OvaBan which is only 75 MONTHS of doses/scoops--quite a price difference there for the SAME medicine.

So, if any of you have a vet that will indeed call up WestLab, just have him go through your local pharmacy first to compare prices of MA/OvaBan before buying from WestLab.

A 200 ml bottle of "MegAce" which is liquid megestrol acetate sells at my local pharmacy for $13.00 with a vet RX.

Remember liquid MegAce is what and the Fairchild vet there is now using in place of FeralStat or MA/Ovaban tablets as liquid is much easier to dose/mix than tablets.

I applaud WestLab for coming up with their "scoop" program, but us feral colony caretakers are already
spending enough $$ now on taking care of colonies. WestLab can still lower their prices on megestrol acetate/OvaBan and still profit.

If my local druggist makes money on a bottle of 100 count MA/Ovaban at $30.00 and $13.00 a bottle for liquid, then I think WestLab could come off their price of $89.99.

So, if any of you find a vet that will prescribe for you, check locally first and compare prices. If WestLab is cheaper than your local pharmacy, then by all means go with WestLab.

If you go with a local pharmacy, follow the dosing guidelines as already outlined here and at and work with your vet that is doing the prescribing.

Money is tight in this economy now and as feral colony caretakers, we all need to save as much as we can to help more ferals.

Thanks to all for the updated info on WestLab.

Louise Catmaverick
#166 Feb 25, 2012
The drugs and technology are known, but access is difficult for a tangle of reasons. It is easier to get 'horse' on the streets than something useful like Feralstat. When our vets declined to order Deslorelin/Suprelorin implants from Peptech, I pondered that marijuana, a drug with very limited medical benefits, is being legalized while I can't get drug birthcontrol for my cats! If anyone knows of a source for these implants, also used to treat Ferret Adrenal Disease, I'd be greatful. Thanks for the DIY recipe for Feralstat.
Barbara in Orlando
#167 Feb 25, 2012
I did have a discussion with a licensed veterinarian at the Feralstat office in order to get the product. Why certain products require a prescription is frustrating, but not the decision of Westlab or any other pharmacy. It's an FDA issue I believe.
#168 Feb 25, 2012
Barbara, I too had a discussion with the vet at Feralstat back in 2008 when I originally got a RX for Feralstat. The vet there at Feralstat then called up WestLab and Westlab compounded Feralstat and they shipped it to me. Easy as pie to get a RX for it back then...everything handled over the phone.

I wonder if the "ease" of calling up the Feralstat vet is maybe what caused the demise of Feralstat?

The demise of Feralstat was probably due to ease of the prescription, plus ACCD and all the other naysayers of Feralstat probably weighed in to the FDA as they were not getting "their $hare of the pie" since Feralstat WORKED contrary to what they proclaimed.

I sincerely hope all of the feral colony caretakers here can find themselves a vet that will prescribe Ovaban/MA and have WestLab or whatever pharmacy fill it for them.

With the unseasonably warm weather already here in this area of the USA, the ferals will go into estrus/heat much sooner now--like right now!

#169 Feb 27, 2012
James..I am using the 20mg pills for my cats but still unsure as to how much to give..1st i was told to give each at1/4th of the pill & then was told that that was too much & each cat should only get do i divide this pill for maximum effectiveness & also the least amount of side effects...please email me at
thank you!
#172 Mar 2, 2012
Yes, that idea is totally crazy--Obamacare has absolutely NOTHING to do with the demise of Feralstat.

This thread is not a political thread.

I smell another troll....

Moderators, please delete the above post so that this thread does not go south!

Barbara in Orlando
#173 Mar 2, 2012

I was really talking to the person that admitted that they cursed at someone about Feralstat when I was talking about being careful about blame as far as availability. We've (feral cat caretakers/advocates) got trouble enough. And to the woman that brought in politics - please don't !!

My guess is that the Feralstat going missing is a couple of things. A trademark dispute, disagreement among the members of the non-profit that was distributing it, and/or a threatened license violation from someone.

The first vet I asked about prescribing M.A. actually said to me - wait for it - that it would be a violation of his license to prescribe to feral cats and that I should contact Fish & Wildlife. I stayed calm and polite and gave my experience with them here in Florida, but have been decompressing for two days since, especially since he allowed me to make and keep a paid appointment when he knew the answer was going to be "no".

I checked the wording of the Florida statutes that pertain to veterinary licenses, and found the following:

From the DBPR site – Fla 474 (it shall be a violation to.....)

(y) Using the privilege of ordering, prescribing, or making available medicinal drugs or drugs as defined in chapter 465, or controlled substances as defined in chapter 893, for use other than for the specific treatment of animal patients for which there is a documented veterinarian/client/patient relationship. Pursuant thereto,the veterinarian shall:
1. Have sufficient knowledge of the animal to
initiate at least a general or preliminary diagnosis of the medical condition of the animal, which means that the veterinarian is personally acquainted with the keeping and caring of the animal and has recently seen the animal or has made medically appropriate and timely visits to the premises where the animal is kept.
2. Be available or provide for followup care .....

If there is similar wording in Ct.,- "has recently seen the animal or made timely visits" - and someone has filed a complaint, that could be the problem.

I just had a long time TNR person send me a scorching email about the dangers of M.A. When I asked her for her source, she replied "a drug book" - she didn't reply when I asked her about the compared dosage. So, for my own peace of mind, I'm going to compile a chart of all the studies I can find involving cats and M.A. My gut feeling is that the risk of being perpetually pregnant or a kitten born outdoors will still outweigh the risk of the side-effects. I'll be glad to share it when I'm done. I'm also going to ask (but don't expect an answer) the large animal welfare groups to let me know what if any study I've missed, and to share the specific studies that lead them to come out officially against Feralstat.
#174 Mar 2, 2012
Barbara your study compilation idea sounds great and I myself would like to see it when you are done. All the naysayers of MA really like to shout out the dangers of MA yet they cannot really cite any definitive study on the so called dangers!

They usually lamely refer to the ACCD statement. Most all of these naysayers will also refuse to listen to those of us that have successfully used MA in the RIGHT DOSES to effectively control feral populations for YEARS & YEARS!

The key to use of MA is "correct dosing" and like EVERY drug on this planet, there are side effects and dangers when improperly dosed or abused.

The naysayers do not know what to say when you ask them like you did about compared dosages.

The benefits of MA far outweigh the alternatives as far as feral colonies are concerned. I've never had one single feral die or become sick from use of MA--the colony is MUCH healthier because of the use of Feralstat/MA. Had I not used it on the colony, the ferals would be sick and diseased.

There is a lot of money riding on the "invention" of an oral contraceptive for animals and the ACCD is looking with $$ signs in their eyes too, as well as many licensed vets who do NOT want to see such a thing.

I'm looking forward to your study compilation as I'm sure many others here are too. Thank you!

Tell me when this thread is updated:

#132 Jan 8, 2012
Please post the number- I'm having no luck finding a local vet to help yet. And I had a feral in heat last week- I'm panicking!!
#133 Jan 8, 2012
Hi janeyjan,
I feed the contraceptive year round. The kittens start here late February or early March which means they are conceived in December/January. So, I prefer to feed it year round rather than run the risk of 'missing' someone at a critical time. The weather here is unpredictable and winters can be mild, especially when compared with the Northern climates.

5 mg - which is 1/4 of a 20 mg tablet - is more MA than the Feralstat was giving. Part of the concern with MA is the side effects - which do occur - but they happen at the higher doses. My vet was totally unfamiliar with using this low of a dose so I suspect the pharmacist is as well. I am feeding a colony of 11 with a total dosage of 7.5 mg of MA (same as with FeralStat), so you may wish to make up the liquid suspension as James outlined above and give your cat a smaller dosage to reduce the risk of serious side effects. The smallerdosages have shown themselves to be effective from all of our shared experiences over the last few years, so I think you might want to feed as low a dose as does the job.

Instead of publishing the Pharmacist's phone number, why not just include the link to their website? That way people can check on line first and if they are serious, follow up with a phone call. I don't think the Pharmacist would want to be inundated with calls as might happen if the number is posted. The websitelink is probably safer way to go for him.
Since: Jan 12
#134 Jan 8, 2012
Mommameow wrote:
Please post the number- I'm having no luck finding a local vet to help yet. And I had a feral in heat last week- I'm panicking!!
Why don't you email me , and I will give you the phone number. you can do thisby using this email address.....
#135 Jan 9, 2012
The link to the catsafratsRX site is as follows:

The pharmacist there is Dr. Bruce Isenberg. If you shop his catalog, you will have to search on the word "Ovaban" and it comes up as "megesterol" (note the extra letter "e" in between the "t" & "r". If you search for "megestrol acetate" on his site, you will get nothing. The current price of his Ovaban tablets shows to be $13.00 for 6 tablets of 20 mg each at time of this post.

He may give a discount for larger quantities of pills--I don't know.

You will still need a scrip for it to purchase from him as I understand or name of a referring veterinarian. At least we know Dr. Isenberg will sell it and is sympathetic to feral cat rescuers with proper prescription protocol followed.
#136 Jan 12, 2012
recently wrote Fairchild about helping with the dosage & this was their response...Not sure if this helps since they recommend 5mg for 5-7 cats..I was giving eacj cat the Feralstat indivdually but thought I would pass this along ......... Hi..Was wondering if someone can give me a little help..Recently was given Ovaban for my strays to replace Feralstat & not wuite sure of the dosage..Was giving each cat 1/8th teaspoon but now I am told to give 1/4 pill per cat..I would rather crush the pills & mix with food rather than dilute with water..Can someone PLEASE help me..Ive read that the giving too much can cause side effects so i'm trying to give the least amount that will still work..THANKS for any help
LikeUnlike ·· Tuesday at 2:35pm ·

Fairchild "Feral Friends" Foundation We use a low dose....5 mg should treat 5-7 cats. For larger colonies we recommend dosing twice a week to ensure that all cats are getting the birth control. We use human megace liquid and dilute it down to 5 mg/ml for huge cost-savings over name-brand Ovaban.
22 hours ago · LikeUnlike.Fairchild "Feral Friends" Foundation < 5 cats .5 ml ONCE a week
5-7 cats 1.0 ml ONCE a week
8-11 cats 1.5 ml ONCE a week
12-15 cats 1.0 ml TWICE A WEEK
16-19 cats 1.5 ml TWICE A WEEK
... 20-23 cats 1.6 ml TWICE A WEEK
24-27 cats 2.0 ml TWICE A WEEK
28-31 cats 2.2 ml TWICE A WEEK
32-35 cats 2.5 ml TWICE A WEEK
36-39 cats 2.8 ml TWICE A WEEK
40 + cats 3.0 ml TWICE A WEEKSee More
22 hours ago · LikeUnlike.Fairchild "Feral Friends" Foundation For our chart 1 ml = one 5 mg tablet
Barbara in Florida
#138 Jan 24, 2012
Thanks to everyone for their information on megestrol acetate. I have been using Feralstat on a colony of 15 here in Florida for a year with no births and no noticeable side effects. My prescription is nearly gone and I was not sure what I was going to do. Appreciate everyones input.

Also, before beginning to use Feralstat I looked carefully at the studies I could find on PubMed for megestrol acetate, and the few I could find that reportedside effects gave no information as far as the total number of cats being treated with MA, so it was impossible to tell if side effects happened in 1%, 10% or 100% of cases. That's why I have a hard time swallowing the dire warnings out there on the web about Feralstat.
#139 Jan 30, 2012
To Julie in Arizona-I ahve used Feralstat for 2 1/2 years--can you tell me where to get it now?
#140 Jan 30, 2012
Hi Carol,

If you take a bit of time and go back and read over this thread from the beginning you will get an appreciation of what is involved to get the medicine you can use in place of Feralstat - megestrol acestate also known as Ovaban. Feralstat is no longer available and hasn't been since August of 2011. We don't know if it will ever be available again, but that doesn't mean your colony has to go without contraceptive control. You will just have to do a little bit more work than you did to get the Feralstat as you will need to convince a local veterinarian to prescribe megestrol acetate/Ovaban for you and then prepare the medicine to the correct dosage yourself. All of the information is available in this thread. James' posts are especially important. I used to use FeralStat as well and now, with the assistance of my vet, am managing my colony with megestral acetate/Ovaban. So, good luck :-).
#141 Jan 30, 2012
Well, I'm still waiting for some help. I know at least one of my cats has been in heat. I cannot find a vet to help me here. Is there a vet anyone knows to help me. I'm losing my mind here. If I don't get help soon, I guess I will just ignore the whole colonie, and hoope they go away. It seems that is what every one else does in this town.
Since: Jan 12
#142 Jan 30, 2012
ginger wrote:
Well, I'm still waiting for some help. I know at least one of my cats has been in heat. I cannot find a vet to help me here. Is there a vet anyone knows to help me. I'm losing my mind here. If I don't get help soon, I guess I will just ignore the whole colonie, and hoope they go away. It seems that is what every one else does in this town.
Hi Ginger,
If you email me, I might be able to help you obtain some OVaban.
#143 Jan 31, 2012
I have used feral stat for three years on our farm and it works!!! Have had no litters in three years! And no side effects!
Deborah Jerry - Cuba City
#144 Feb 1, 2012
To anyone still looking for feralstat- I just spoke with someone at Westlab Pharmacy regarding feralstat. He said that they were still working on getting it back on the market. And for people to send emails regarding feralstat & how it is affecting them. Then he would collect the emails & get them to the people addressing the issues on feralstat. So please send an email to Attention: Prince
Deborah Jerry - Cuba City
#145 Feb 1, 2012
When I posted a comment earlier this evening I forgot to add that you should put the RX# in the email if you send one to
Deborah Jerry - Cuba City
#146 Feb 1, 2012
I hope people will email with their comments regarding feralstat. Their comments on feralstat may help get it back on the market.
#147 Feb 2, 2012
will DEFINITELY be emailing Westlab..Feralstst was so easy to use..I recently got Megestrol Acetate but the dosage I was prescibed is higher than it needs to be..I want Feralstst back!
#148 Feb 2, 2012
Janey I can not get my email to go through to you. Could you e mail me about the info?
Toronto, Canada
#149 Feb 6, 2012
MEGESTEROL (Ovaban) 20 mg tablets/6 tablets
Toronto, Canada
#150 Feb 6, 2012
evvabeing wrote:
MEGESTEROL (Ovaban) 20 mg tablets/6 tablets
also known as Ovarid
Toronto, Canada
#151 Feb 6, 2012
evvabeing wrote:
<quoted text>
also known as Ovarid
Toronto, Canada
#152 Feb 7, 2012
i got this response from

The FeralStat office is closed. We cannot provide the product at this time.
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